Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: August 19, 2015 (w/linky)- First Day of Homeschool 2015-2016 School Year

Dressed and ready for their day:

Off to breakfast:

All decorated and organized:

They're back:

(Disclaimer: No they did not ride home like this! Well, Harold did.)

Lining up for school:

Celebration Time:

Chatting with our Homeschool Elf. He hid our supplies again this year.

New calendar time supplies:

School Pictures:

Had to share the pouty face too:

About me page:

Did not know Harold could write his name so well. He did every letter but the "R" by himself.

Putting together our new easel:

Introducing them to the new recorders:

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. they are all so excited!! :) happy start to the new school year!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
    Join in: Wordless Wed Linky

  2. Congratulations on their first day! I love their outfits!

  3. aaaw cute pictures! Sep loved your classroom

  4. Congratulations on a new school year! I miss my homeschooling days with my girls!

  5. Aww! Very sweet! It looks like fun and I hope they have a great school year!

  6. I know your post is about back to school, but - Go BIlls! :) We are Bills fans as well.
    Also - I especially love your big girls' frilly skirts. So pretty!

  7. Good luck with the new school year. Your children are beautiful.

  8. 2 more weeks for us here! Where have the summer holiday gone?!

    Looks like everyone is excited =)

  9. It seems like yesterday that Harold was just a little baby. How times flies.

  10. What a fun way to start the school year!

  11. Bet that taking all these photos helped get them excited about it!


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