Monday, August 24, 2015

Sunday Photo Round Up- August 23, 2015

It is time to share my photos from the three photo challenges I participate in! Let's start with Scavenger Hunt Sunday, shall we.

Silly, Spin, Four, Guilty Pleasure, Rule of Thirds


After I shared a Timehop post about Tabitha and Amelia trading places last year, they decided to do it again. Next thing I knew, these two SILLY gooses decided to pretend to be each other by swapping clothes.


After are nice, proper school photos on the first day of school, the girls dance around and do silly poses for our Back to School traditions. I captured these while they were SPINNING.


FOUR little kiddos waiting to enjoy FOUR scrumptious snacks for refreshment time at our "ball."

They were getting a bit impatient.

Guilty Pleasure

One of my GUILTY PLEASURES. Unfortunately all I get to do is stare at it there on the shelf. Maybe I can convince the hubby to get some next month.

Rule of Thirds

She just took 2 of these books out of the library yesterday. First thing I saw when I came downstairs was her reading this book. She has since finished both.

Photo A Day Round Up

I am participating in a few different photo-a-day challenges this year. The photos are being shared daily on Instagram, but I thought it would be nice to include a collage of them here on my blog as well. Here are my collages showing the pictures from August 16-August 22.

The first ones are the Photo A Day Challenge from Fat Mum Slim.

The second set are from The Bethadilly Challenge (this is where the Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts have been coming from this year).

The third challenge is the Schoolhouse Review Crew's Instagram challenge. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photographs of all the children and I like the last shot of the little girl reading the book in partcular. Now that is a LOT of icecream to be guilty about!!!


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