Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday Photo Round Up- August 16, 2015

I am not sure what happened last week, but I never got my photo round-up post posted. So, it is time to share my photos for the last 2 weeks from the three photo challenges I participate in! Let's start with Scavenger Hunt Sunday, shall we.

For August 9th
Dots, Bokeh, A Game, Repetitive, My Everyday


This is one of Tabitha's new outfits. I love the DOTS on this. We got each of the children a new outfit for the first day of school and one for church. They haven't worn the first day of school outfits yet. They will be wearing them on Monday.


I can not get my camera to get a decent shot for BOKEH, but my phone camera did a pretty good job. The thing is, I thought I was getting this effect from a bokeh app I had downloaded that day. Then I realized I was using it wrong, and this is the picture straight from the camera of the phone.

I took another shot and used a different bokeh app, and this was the result. I couldn't decide which I liked better, so I had to share both.

A Game

Here is A GAME they played, one of several set up at the Summer Reading Program party.This one was called Wonder Woman Lasso. They used the hula hoops to lasso the villain. 


It tends to get a bit REPETITIVE but we have chicken breast a lot, because we can buy the bulk packages on sale and cook them in the crock pot in broth, then use the leftovers in different recipes. I love it with rice. We changed it up a bit this time with some summer squash.

My Everyday

MY EVERYDAY with my 4 littlest kiddos, starts with a nice bowl of cereal, or as is the case today, oatmeal. This is a new recipe we tried a couple of days ago and liked so much we had it again today for Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen (which I am planning on starting back up here on the blog in September).

For August 16th
Starts with S, Leading Lines, Powerful, Frozen, Daily Task

Starts with S

Sunday was a perfect day, the Sun in the Sky with some pretty puffy clouds, not too hot, though we didn't stay out at midday. 

Leading Lines

Found this ladder on the side of the church where we attended music camp.


Got a mighty POWERFUL hunger the other day, and decided it was SNACK TIME. Somehow, I found this yummy granola bar IN MY HAND. Yes, I used this for all three prompts this day.


Got a picture of Amelia all wrapped up comfy and warm (not that she needed it in the middle of summer) while looking at this FROZEN book we took out of the library.

Daily Task

A DAILY TASK that has to get done if we want to eat and drink. May have let the water and suds get a bit high.

Photo A Day Round Up

I am participating in a few different photo-a-day challenges this year. The photos are being shared daily on Instagram, but I thought it would be nice to include a collage of them here on my blog as well. Here are my collages showing the pictures from August 2-August 8, and August 9-August 15

The first ones are the Photo A Day Challenge from Fat Mum Slim.

August 2-August 8

August 9-August 15

The second set are from The Bethadilly Challenge (this is where the Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts have been coming from this year).

August 2-August 8

August 9-August 15

The third challenge is the Schoolhouse Review Crew's Instagram challenge. 

August 2-August 8

August 9-August 15


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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