Friday, February 13, 2015

Sound Words Theology Curriculum Review

Disclosure: I am an affiliate with Proverbial Homemaker and receive a small commission on purchases made through my links. Thank you for your support. All opinions expressed in this post are my own and are in no way swayed by any compensation I may receive. 

It is very important to my husband and I that our children grow up to know and love the Lord. It is one of the major reasons we are homeschooling our children, and the reason I chose the curriculum I did. However, I have been feeling as if something has been missing in our days. I wanted to be able to start our day, as well as end our day, focusing on the Lord. Yes, we always start our lesson time with prayer, and our curriculum includes learning about the Bible, but I felt we needed more. Thanks to Tauna Meyer and her Sound Words Theology 4 Kids curriculum, I have been able to add that extra dimension to our day.

Teach your children the basics of the Christian faith with lessons and memory work!

Tauna is a fellow homeschool mom, who also happens to be a blogger. You can find her over at the Proverbial Homemaker where she blogs about Faith, Family, Homemaking, Homeschooling, and more. 

I was thrilled to be able to join in with the Launch Team for her new Sounds Words Theology 4 Kids curriculum. This curriculum teaches the essentials of the Christian faith through a question and answer type format known as a catechism. The information is taken from the Westminster Catechism, which I had been introduced to several years ago at the Play Group/Bible Study we used to attend. To tell you the truth, I had grown up Catholic, and before this time, I thought a catechism was a purely Catholic thing. I was intrigued to discover this wasn't the case, but I still wasn't sure how to present this way of learning to the children. 

Enter the downloadable Sound Words Curriculum. We received Unit 1: All About God. Not only are we asking and answering these questions to learn about God, there are devotions based on each question, Bible verses for us to memorize, copywork for the children to complete, along with a simple project. As an added bonus, Tauna has included an introductory "God is..." section so the children can learn the attributes of God. 

When I first received the download, I printed out the attribute cards as the lessons are meant to start with this introduction, one characteristic per day. To make them sturdy, I printed them out on card stock, though I didn't laminate them. Each of the blue attribute cards has characteristic of God listed and a Bible verse reference. Each day I introduced the card and then we read the lesson. The lesson has the Bible verse printed out, which I did read, but we didn't memorize them. We are then asked if we know what the word means, giving us time to discuss what the children think it means before reading the correct definition and how it applies to God. As a way to remember each of the attributes, we reviewed the previous days cards as we worked through the list. At the end of this short introduction, the children took turns attaching them to our "God is..." poster:

This brings us to the meat of the curriculum. Each lesson is meant to take one week to complete. Included with each lesson, you will find:
  • A memory verse poster
  • List of scriptures/Bible stories to focus on
  • Discussion questions
  • Devotion
  • Craft/activity idea
  • Copywork
  • Notebooking pages

Eleven different questions are asked about God. We are learning the following:
  • Who is God?
  • Who Made God?
  • Has God Ever Had a Beginning?
  • Will God Ever Die?
  • Are There More Gods Than One?
  • In How Many Persons Does This One God Exist?
  • Who Are The Three Persons of God?
  • Where is God?
  • Can You See God? 
  • Does God Know All Things?
  • Can God Do All Things?

At the beginning of the week, I will read the question and see what the children come up with for an answer, then I will read the answer to them. Next we will work on the memory verse. The next day, I read the Bible story and we discuss the questions, along with reviewing the memory verse. We take Wednesday's off from lesson time as we have co-op, but on Thursday we read the devotion and review the memory verse. We conclude the lesson by reviewing the memory verse once again and doing the craft. At some point during the week, the girls get the copywork in their workboxes. 

I love that there are two different versions of the copywork. Amelia has been able to use the dashed mid-line paper and Tabitha has uses the standard line paper.

I should come as no surprise that we enjoy the hands-on crafts/activities that help to reinforce the lesson. All of the ideas are simple and if materials are needed, they are easy to find (usually around the house). 

Here the children are having a blast making "God Created..." posters. During this lesson they learned that God created everything in our world and no one created Him. 

There are a total of 11 lessons in addition to the bonus lesson on the attributes of God. All of these lessons follow the same format which is great for keeping with routine. I love that we are able to use hands-on activities to bring these questions and answers to life, along with discussion questions and devotionals.

This downloadable curriculum is the first unit in a series of 9 that will be released monthly. The complete Sound Words for Kids Curriculum will include:

  • All About God
  • Creation
  • The Fall
  • Salvation
  • Christ and His Work
  • God’s Word
  • Prayer
  • The Ordinances
  • Christ’s Return
This is a wonderful way to teach young children ages 4-9 about Biblical truths, and I would highly recommend it. Thanks to the Sound Words Curriculum we have been starting our day focusing on God, though this could be used at any time. 

If you would like to look into this great theology curriculum, I have some exciting news. For this first week, from February 13th through the 21st, the first Unit: All About God, is available for FREE! After February 21st it will be available for it's regular price of $14.95

You can check out the Sound Words for Kids curriculum here.

Teach your children the basics of the Christian faith with lessons and memory work!

Disclosure: I am an affiliate with Proverbial Homemaker and I received Unit 1 of the Sound Words for Kids Curriculum as a part of the launch team in exchange for my honest review. I received no further compensation. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and feel will be a good products for my readers.

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