Sunday, November 23, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: November 2, 2014

Time for some Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

Double, Friday, Memories, Busy Day, Where I Stand


I had a hard time figuring out what to photograph for this prompt, until I looked over on our desk shelf and saw the girls fairies and their double shadows on the wall. They received these last Christmas.


Friday we were busy making a candy cane wreath to give to a friend. Harold worked on the center.


This past week we have been busy making memories with our new Christmas friend, Melk the Christmas Monkey. He came to our house so I could write a review, though the children were told it was because he had to see if this was just the right house for him. He had to leave yesterday, but I have it under great authority that he plans to come back the first day of Advent. I will be sharing my review shortly.

Busy Day

We had a very busy day on Wednesday. Though we did not have actual lesson time, we had quite a bit to do. Here the children are watching their S'mores Bites broil. This was 1 of 3 things we did in the kitchen.

Where I Stand
I always stand in the doorway of the children's room at the library during story time. The kids had already disappeared into the back room to work on their craft while I stood here to get the picture.


  1. It looks to me as though Every Day is a busy one! :-)

  2. I love your photos and all the happy kids! The double shadows are cool. Best of all, I like the shot in from of the oven watching the s'mores bites broil!


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