Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Workbox Wednesday #4- June 11, 2014

Welcome to Workbox Wednesday! 

If you use workboxes, tot trays, or anything similar, feel free to post a link to your blog post or a picture (pictures can be from facebook, but please make sure they are PUBLIC so we can see them, or use a host like to get a URL for your photo) that shows WHAT IS IN YOUR BOXES!

Please visit my co-host at Chestnut Grove Academy.

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We have gotten back on track with our lesson time this week. We have several different things to share this week.

In Workbox #1 I have added a Memory Puzzle activity. Right now this is to go with our Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue study. They already have the copywork, so I thought it would be fun to change it up a bit. When we were doing My Father's World K at the beginning of the year I wanted a way for the girls to review what we had already learned without having to give them more handwriting. So I printed out the Words to Remember and cut each word out for the girls to then glue together. We are now doing this same thing with our memory verse and definition of the character trait.

I have also added an extra sheet to the girls' #2 workbox. We were doing our Number of the Day sheet together, including the younger children. However, we are now past day 20 and it was getting a little burdensome for the little ones. I decided we will take the pages we have already made and attach them to make a book. I was able to find a fun Number of the Day sheet for the older girls that includes tally marks, counting with beans, counting money, writing the number in expanded form and writing equations. These are all things we are doing with the My Father's World curriculum

Workbox #3 remains our math workbox. Amelia has been working with Unifix cubes for beginning addition:

And Tabitha has been working with the 10 Steps to Addition Mastery from Learning Wrap-ups (you can see my recent review by going here).

Workbox #4 has been for the Learning Palette. I just put a slip in the workbox so they know how many of each cards they are supposed to complete.

What is in your workboxes?

Chestnut Grove Academy


  1. This is such a clever idea for home school organizing!

  2. I never ever thought to do workboxes! We use folders only this would be not only a neat project for them to make their own work boxes but an organizational asset. Thanks a million!


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