Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Patriotic Ideas Roundup

It's that time of year, time to gather fun, patriotic ideas to get ready to celebrate our nation's birthday. Here are some of the fun things I have posted in the past with the links to the original posts (where applicable).

Patriotic Muffin Tins:

Yummy Desserts:

Red, White and Blue Jello

Patriotic Ice Cream Sandwiches on a Stick

Patriotic Strawberries

Patriotic Berries

Simple Craft ideas:

American Flags: We glued blue and red construction paper onto white construction paper and made white fingerprint stars.

Red, white and blue collage- I found some star outlines online and printed them out in various sizes on red, white and blue paper, along with some fireworks.  The girls glued them to black paper.

The children made these paper towel roll fireworks at Story Hour last year. The librarian wasn't sure where she found the idea. But it again is simple to put together.


Montessori fine motor activity 

And here is a link to my Patriotic Pinterest Board for many, many ideas.

This post is linked up to:

Arts and Crafts for Kids - Artsy Play Wednesday


  1. These craft ideas are great - will have to try the firework one with the toilet paper roll :)

  2. I love your muffin tin ideas. I really have to try these with my daughter. She is so picky but I think she would absolutely love doing this. You have lots of great food ideas. The crafts look fun as well. I have been wanting to work on some patriotic crafts with the kids as it is coming up fast.

  3. I love all of those patriotic ideas, especially the muffin tins. I was going to get rid of my smaller mini muffin tins, but am keeping one to use with my preschooler.

  4. What fun ideas! Enjoy the 4th!

  5. You have so many fun and festive ideas here. I need to try a few of these.

  6. These are some great activities for the 4th of July! Thanks for sharing.

  7. i love these!! fantastic. I will be saving this for the weekend.

  8. You reminded me I need to do the red, white and blue jello this weekend. That's a huge favorite of my kids!

  9. So many great ideas to celebrate the 4th of July! I love the ice cream sandwiches. They are simple and easy to make and they are very patriotic. My girls would love doing the crafts too!

  10. What a wonderful array of options plus a DIY you outdid yourself!

  11. lots of ways to celebrate... wondering if I can convert any to Canadian ways. :)

  12. These are all great! I love the muffin tin idea best! You’re so creative! Thanks so much for sharing with us!


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