Saturday, January 26, 2013

Free Sign Ups for Cupcake Craze Giveaway

(Giveaway dates: February 1-16)

In Celebration of Tabitha's 6th Birthday I have put together the Cupcake Craze Giveaway and I would love your help in celebrating!

CupCakeCrazeGiveaway_zps37d5b2b3-1_zps53b4321e photo CupCakeCrazeGiveaway_zps37d5b2b3-1_zps53b4321e-1_zpsd37849e0.jpg

The winner of the giveaway will win a prize pack with some fun Cupcake Related Prizes:

Cupcake Race Game from Endless Games
Cupcake Clutch from OrbFactory

This post is for bloggers who are interested in helping me promote this giveaway in exchange for both a Facebook link (the link will be directly on the Rafflecopter form) and a Twitter link.

In addition, if you share about this opportunity you will get a Pinterest link as well.

There is no fee to participate, just a promise to post the giveaway with Rafflecopter when it goes live and sharing about the giveaway a few times in the two week time period the giveaway is live (beginning, middle and end).  If you would like to join me head over and link up. I am accepting sign-ups until January 30th!

In addition, the blogger who refers the most people will get to host a follow page.  Hosting a page is great for traffic to your blog, so share away.

1 comment:

Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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