Saturday, February 4, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: February 5, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Strike a Pose, Footwear, Hobby, Shiny and Color Me Green

Strike a Pose

37 Weeks Pregnant


Pulled this one from the archives (I don't usually do this), but I love this shot from Christmas morning where they are showing off their new Dora slippers.


Hubby used to be a big comic book collector. This is his box of comic books. 


Color Me Green

Well, there is actually a lot of green around where there shouldn't be for the beginning of February. But I spotted this tree, nice and green between the bare branches of the other trees. However, it doesn't show up near as good, so I thought I would pretend to color them green:

Don't forget to enter my giveaway


  1. Love the footwear! My granddaughter is very much into Dora. She would love this shot.

    And 37 weeks you should be about ready to pop! Are you getting anxious? I would be wanting to meet the little person.

  2. You look so happy. And your kiddos with their matching slippers and pillow pets-priceless.

  3. Not too long for you now . . . hope you are doing well. Very creative with the shiny shot.

  4. Those dora slippers are so sweet! So funny to be coloring in the trees!

  5. Look at that big pregnant belly! You look like you're ready to pop. Love it.

  6. What an awesome and creative post! Your family is too cute and you look adorable. So soon!!

  7. What a great post with wonderful pictures. The pic with your little ones and the Dora slippers is so cute.

  8. I LOVE that scavenger hunt! I've never seen one on a blog before! So much fun! I thoroughly enjoyed this post!!

  9. Cute post. I love the idea of scavengers hunts. And the matching footwear is just adorable :)

  10. Congrats on your pregnancy...altho at 37 weeks I know I'm a bit tardy! :) So glad you have some photos to document it!


  11. Great set of pictures. Congrats in advance for your new addition. Cute footwork picture!

  12. Cute post. I love pictures! You look so cute pregnant and I love the pictures of the girls with their slippers!

  13. My hubby used to collect comic books too - but I could never get a picture of them, because that would involve touching them - which I am NOT allowed to do:) Great shots this week!

  14. I love your set this week! Congratulations on your pregnancy! I was looking at your muffin tin meals - they are so wonderful, I would have loved that as a kid - okay, who am I kidding, I'd still love a meal as adorable as that!


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