Monday, February 6, 2012

Goal Planning Monday: Week 1

I have spent the last couple of months with no motivation, no energy, no accomplishments, and I fear we are all hurting from it. I need to get back into some semblance of routine for all of our sakes. So, what should I find while I was playing around on the computer in the wee hours of the morning, but Goal Planning Monday. Perfect timing, God's leading, a push in the right direction. So here it goes. What are my goals for this week?

  • Write up my Montessori Course giveaway
  • Write up my Rock 'N Learn Review and giveaway
  • Review Masking Maniac
  • Blog Hop at least 3 days
  • Comment on Wordless Wednesday posts
  • Prepare and schedule at least four of my Baby Shower Celebration Sponsor Write ups

  • Organize the laundry room
  • Organize the play room
  • Keep up with vacuuming daily

  • Get some Valentine's Day books out of the library
  • Make Valentine's mailboxes
  • Do at least two other Valentine's Day crafts for decorating
  • Get sensory bin ready
  • Let children get on Speekee TV site at least 3 times this week and do "lesson"
  • Workbooks at naptime at least 3 times this week
  • Work on Bible verses with children
  • Start reading my Bible again each morning
  • Read a couple of chapters of Crazy Love


  1. February is always hard..some call it the winter blues. But just keep in mind spring will be here in 6 weeks:) Thanks for sharing on the NOBH

  2. It is comforting to know I am not the only one who is not as motivated as I would hope to be. I love your goals and think that would be a good idea for me to make my own weekly goals.


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