Friday, July 16, 2010

Z lessons

As I keep mentioning play group, I decided to take some pictures of the children this week while we were there:

(It is very rare that they all gather in one place,
so I thought it deserved a picture)

As much fun as playgroup is I am glad when we can stay home and work on our lessons, play games, play in the yard or the park, pull out workbooks, do some baking or such, etc. This week we finally, finally got to the letter Z.  We have been working on the alphabet since Tabitha turned 2 in January of 2009.  We took a break last summer and started in the fall with a review of A-M.  It was then that I started blogging, actually.  However, back then I wasn't very faithful at posting so I missed a bit.  I may just write a post dedicated to the old lessons, at least to share the letter crafts we did.  Not right now though.  Right now I get to share are busy latter half of the week.

First the girls made a Zz framed in zigzags.  I made the dashes for both the upper and lower case z's and then the girls traced them.  Then they glued on 4 zigzags as a frame.

Tabitha wrote her name with no help! Yay!

I decided to focus on zigzags that day, so the girls traced some zigzags I had made dashes for:

Then they cut on a zig zag line.

Then I drew a zigzag on the sidewalk for them to walk on.

Amelia preferred running around on the porch.  Sorry, no picture, I only took a movie.

The next day we made ziti zigzags.  I drew the zigzag and the girls placed the glue on it and then the ziti.

Then they wanted to continue gluing, so I let them go at it and make ziti collages.

Definitely better for Amelia who doesn't like having to be so confined in what she is creating and always wants to "do it myself."

We ended our week by making zebras.  I printed out a zebra outline and glued it onto colored paper.  Then the girls glued on black strips of paper for stripes and drew the mane and leg stripes on with black marker.

We had two Z meals this week.  On Monday we had Baked Ziti. I found a great recipe on the back of the package.

And I also made Zucchini Stuffing Casserole.  They were both delicious.  (If you are interested in the recipes just let me know)

I even got Hannah in on the zigzag theme:

We also talked about the number zero, I will have a separate post on that in a couple of days.  Additionally, I plan on posting what we did with reading readiness.  So stay tuned. 

Our word card pictures this week were: zebra, zigzag, zipper, zero, and ziti.

To see what others are doing with their toddlers and preschoolers head on over to 1+1+1=1 and Homeschool Creations.

preschool corner

Tot School

I am also linking up, once again, to the Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection.  Head on over to The Attached Mama to search for, or link up your own, alphabet crafts.

The Attached Mama's Alphabet Craft Collection


  1. What a great week! Love the zigzag walk on the sidewalk!

  2. Love the zebra idea!! How old were your little ones when you started introducing the alphabet?

  3. Zigzags is a great idea for the letter Z!

  4. I love all your ideas, you are so talented in this area. I may be using some of your ideas for this next year ;o)


  5. Wonderful activities!! I have a award for you. Please visit my blog

  6. Love the zig zag frames.

    We did the exact same zebra project a while back. I think we even had the same outline. LOL Great minds, huh?

  7. Excellent Z activities. We have not hit the letter Z yet so I will be checking back when we do!

  8. Look how cute Hannah is peeking her little head up off the blanket :) And what a fun week for all of your kiddos!

  9. what a great week. Love all the Z activities!


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