Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mamarazzi Monday: Random pics, Hannah is 3 months old!

It is Monday again, time to share pictures of our week.  Of course you can always see pictures of what we do for our lessons, but this gives me the opportunity to share some of the cute ones by linking up to Mamarazzi Monday hosted by Ann Marie over at Household 6 Diva

Mamarazzi Monday

Hannah can grasp her toy

How many cups do we need?

I call this "Girls in Sandals"

Hannah is 3 months old

Curled up to sleep

Playing with Mega blocks
(or just the tub)

Hot and humid

Yay for sprinklers!

Frozen yogurt pops

Time for Close up/Whole Picture

Close Up

Whole Picture

I am also linking up to Momma's Favorites hosted by Terra at Monkey see Monkey Do

My favorites this week are:


  1. Great pictures!!

  2. Hi. Thanks for commenting on my blog! You can buy just parts of the Sonlight curriculum. It would definately be cheaper that way.
    It would be simple enough to get the most necessary peices and find the rest at the library. :)


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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