Monday, July 26, 2010

Mamarazzi Monday: July 26th

Mamarazzi Monday

Are you a compulsive picture taker?
Do you stalk your family with a camera?
Well, you've come to the right place!

Mamarazzi Monday is hosted by Ann Marie from Household 6 Diva.  For some reason I didn't take a lot of pictures this week.  Then suddenly, picture opportunities were popping up all over the place today.  In fact, I wish I had had my camera with me when we took our walk around town.  At one point there was a cloud in front of the moon and it looked as if a huge wolf was opening wide to eat the moon.  Anyhow, here are the pictures I decided to share this week.

Amelia trying to put her sunglasses on:

Hannah with her new activity blanket:

Superbaby!!  I started playing this game 
with Tabitha when she was this age:

Amelia was having a blast playing and singing
I picked this picture because of her mouth shape:

Yes, Ann Marie.  Steven has taken 
some pictures of me:

In case you are wondering, I am "vine ripened!"  LOL!

And now for some contributions
from the "kidarazzi"!

Not sure why we have a picture of our computer
You'll have to ask Tabitha!

Technically, another one of me.
But this one is taken by Tabitha.

Amelia wanted to point out that the ceiling is the
least cluttered part of our house.  Oh, and those
are some of the projects from the beginning of 
the year before I was posting regularly.

Time once again for
Close up/Whole Picture

Close Up

Whole Picture

Close Up

Whole Picture

Close Up

Whole Picture

Anyone notice that Steven enjoys spending time with the baby?  Though I am not sure how much she appreciates being made to look like a monkey.

 I am linking this up to Momma's Favorites over at Monkey See Monkey Do.

And here are my favorite pictures of the week. 

Tabitha really enjoys doing projects.
She is really focused on coloring her peach for our 

Okay, so I like taking pictures of feet.



    You are TOO cute!!!

    And I LOVE the "Kidarazzi" shots too!! What a fun idea to see what your child takes pictures of!

    Thanks for linking up and sharing all these wonderful pictures! :)

  2. My oldest loves to take pictures, too, and I sometimes am amazed by what he sees.

  3. hey eyelashes are to die for!!!! beautiful! I take a million feet pictures too! Might be weird, but at least we're both weird haha

  4. I have really enjoyed looking at your blog tonight. I think I will be able to get lots of ideas about homeschooling

  5. Great pictures!! Love them :-)


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