Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sunday Photo Round Up: April 1st, 2018

Sunday Photo Round Up

Last month I was participating in three different challenges. My normal one from Fat Mum Slim, the one with the Homeschool Review Crew, plus one from The Idea Room. Here are the final pictures from March.

March 25: What I did today

I finally had a chance to relax after the children headed off to Venture Club after dinner. Figured I'd get some reading done, maybe play some of my games on my phone. I actually didn't get much done as I fell asleep while playing. Guess I'll read after we go to bed.

March 26: I wish...

I wish we could get to bed a bit earlier. That was the plan Monday night, especially because we had to be up early for our field trip Tuesday morning. Unfortunately we were still reading our bedtime story at 11 pm, while Tabitha worked on her Oh Susannah coloring book

March 27: Cute!

We went on a field trip yesterday to Tanglewood Nature Center where they were having a homeschool program on birds. As we were getting ready to leave I noticed this CUTE owl decoration.

March 28: Path

Heading down the path/trail to try to do some bird watching yesterday on our field trip. Sadly, we didn't see anything. 

March 29: Leaves

My sugar snap pea still had a couple of leaves on it today. Thought it was sort of cute. And great for the prompt of course.

March 30: Apple

I have to say, I've never had a twig attached to my apple when I purchased them in a bag. Thought it looked sort of cool.

March 31: Oh my!

"Oh my!" is what it appears Amelia is saying in response to all the branches down from this tree, probably from the snow storm a few week's back

Then there is the challenge I am doing with the 
Homeschool Review Crew

March 25: Relax

(Yep, used it for two prompts)
I finally had a chance to relax after the children headed off to Venture Club after dinner. Figured I'd get some reading done, maybe play some of my games on my phone. I actually didn't get much done as I fell asleep while playing. Guess I'll read after we go to bed.

March 26: Monday

We went over to the park on Monday to bang rocks together and hammer them for our science lesson. 

March 27: Pen

Why is it whenever I NEED a pen I can't find one, and other times there is one sitting right there in plain sight. This one is on the desk in front of the monitor.

March 28: Study

Right now we are studying the intricacies of snow with a cool unit study from Creation Illustrated. Tonight we were watching one of the linked videos. 

March 29: Routine

Part of our morning routine is our morning chores after breakfast. I love our chart that I made while reviewing the Everyday Family Chore System from Everyday Homemaking. It really has helped our household get more organized and stay cleaner.

March 30: Plan

The original plan was to go to the cross walk at church. The alternate plan was to do it at home because I had to take Krystal and Cheyenne to Olean, so I picked up the schedule from my pastor. We never did get to do the Cross Walk though, as our Passover dinner took a lot longer than we thought it would and then hubby and I went on our date (yes, that does still happen occasionally). However, we did get to see a Cross Walk pass right in front of us while we waited in the hospital parking lot.

March 31: Next

The next step in dyeing our eggs was rolling them in the colored Cool Whip. 

And I found this last one when I was searching on Instagram. 

March 25: On the Street

On the street, on the way home from church, we see this sign when we come back into PA. We live almost right on the border of PA and NY. I pulled over to grab a picture

March 26: 11pm

I wish we could get to bed a bit earlier. That was the plan Monday night, especially because we had to be up early for our field trip Tuesday morning. Unfortunately we were still reading our bedtime story at 11 pm, while Tabitha worked on her Oh Susannah coloring book

March 27: Spring

Lovely spring morning sunrise. Not that the trees look very springlike yet.

March 28: A Hobby

One of Tabitha's favorite hobbies is drawing. Today she was working on a banner for the children's Resurrection Day skit/presentation they were preparing for mommy and daddy. 

March 29: Old

I much preferred this old controller from Nintendo. I get so confused with all the buttons on others.

March 30: Celebrate

Celebrating Passover for the second time ever. If you are a Christian and have never celebrated Passover, can I just recommend you make it a goal to celebrate it at least once. There are resources out there to celebrate from a Christian perspective, and it helps to see how Passover pointed to Christ. Think this might become a yearly celebration for us. 

March 31: Shiny

Tabitha's glasses.

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