Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: September 20, 2017 (w/linky) : Doctoring Up Daddy

Poor daddy sliced his thumb pretty good on the blade of our food processor. It fell, he went to catch it, oops. The children decided to turn our dining room into a waiting room and our living room into an examination room. Granted, this was all when I was supposed to be cooking our Sabbath meal (if you want to see what all that is about, I invite you to check out this week's Littles Learning Link Up post). I ended up hanging around, watching how well they were taking care of daddy, and taking pictures. Our meal was a bit late.
Waiting Room

Time to see the nurse and doctor.

X-Ray Machine:

He was so bad, he needed to be on life support:

Or he just needed some medicine.

All fixed up and ready for our Sabbath meal.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.
No button currently, and there won't be one until I can figure it out seeing as Photobucket has changed things. Feel free to still share the picture in place of the button on your Wordless Wednesday post or in a list of Wordless Wednesday linkies. Just link it to my Wordless Wednesday permalink please.


  1. Oh my this is so cute! I love the life support, and the form they had filled out. How creative! They turned an uncomfortable cut into something entertaining for him.

  2. Very cute. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week.

  3. Very good nurses, I see the patient was happy!!
    Have a great week!

  4. I love role-play games. We had a teacher who recreated Ellis Island in history, and many of us played immigrants coming to the NY for the first time. It's more meaningful to "experience it" !

  5. Aww! how cute and creative of them heheh! I love his meds LOL

    Have a medicaltastic week :-)

  6. That's so cute :-) Looks like a role play!
    Life support and x-ray machine ideas are very creative!

  7. Your kids are so clever and sweet. I love the medical chart - and the Dad Meds :)

  8. Your kids are fun! Wish they could play with my grandkids. They would have a great time. Thanks for linking up at NanaHood.com

  9. Looks like Dad had a close call. It's a good thing there's such a fine staff of medical personal hanging around your place to tend to and document his health chart. Why heck you even have a pharmacy in your home! lol Thanks for stopping by and linking up!

  10. Looks like he was taken care of very well!


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