Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Muffin Tin Letter Review

Even though it is not Monday we had a Muffin Tin for lunch today. Muffin Tin Monday was postponed this week due to homeschool co-op being moved to Monday. I was going to cancel our muffin tin meal, but the girls were still wanting one. So, today I decided I would give the girls a muffin tin to review the letters we have done so far this year. I knew we were going through the curriculum slowly, it just hadn't dawned on me that we have only done 8 letters this year (since August).

Here is our review for the letters S, M, L, A, N, T, U and D

S-Sugar Snap Peas
M- M shaped Muenster Cheese
L- Lettuce Leaves
A- Apple Slices
N- Nuts
D- Dressing/Dip
T- T shaped Tuna sandwich

And for U:

Their drink was Under the napkin.

 Harold also had a muffin tin of course.

Tuna sandwich (which he didn't really care for)
Muenster cheese (which he obviously did like, seeing as he finished most of it before I got my picture)
Green Beans

Linking up with



  1. Yum! What a fun and delicious way to review letters.

  2. What a fun idea!! I'm guessing the kids love it, mine would.

  3. Awesome muffin tin lunches! Thanks for linking up with Muffin Tin Monday! :)


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