Thursday, March 21, 2013

Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen #39: Blueberry Sauce and Parfaits

Time for Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen
(A weekly linky where you can share your special time in the kitchen, such a great place for learning. You can also link up Kid-Friendly Recipes)

The linky is at the bottom.

This week we finally finished up our colors of the rainbow Kid's and a Mom in the Kitchen recipes. We made Blueberry Sauce. I am trying to get us all healthier so I am hoping to start sharing recipes that aren't all filled with sugar and white flour and salt, etc. Though the Blueberry Sauce did have quite a bit of sugar in it, we only had a little added to plain yogurt to make Blueberry Parfaits. I found the recipe for the sauce over at last year, and decided it might work in with the yogurt. We have used it to top pancakes in the past.

Blueberry Sauce

1/4 cup water
1 cup orange juice
2 cups blueberries
3/4 cup sugar
3 tbs corn starch
1/4 cup cold water
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp almond extract

First we had to sort out the blueberries and get rid of the ones that were moldy. I have discovered that even blueberries that look really good in the store may not be that great. You don't always see the mold and it can be just a tiny point of white on the bottom of the blueberry, but it will still taste moldy. 

Once we had our two cups of blueberries in the saucepan we added 1/4 cup of water,

1 cup of orange juice,

and 3/4 cup of sugar. I love having the girls have to use a 1/4 cup measure and tell me how many will make 3/4 cup. Tabitha has it down, Amelia is still working on it. 

We stirred gently while cooking on medium until it came to a boil.

Then I mixed 2 tbs of cornstarch with another 1/4 cup of water and added mixed it up. This gave me a chance to talk to the girls about how cornstarch helped thicken the sauce. (I didn't know this stuff growing up.)

So, we started out with Blue Berries and ended up with Purple Sauce.
Colors of the Rainbow completed. 

As you can see, I didn't use much sauce in with the plain yogurt to make the parfaits. However, it got pretty sweet.

The girls weren't too fond of the yogurt, but Harold LOVED it.

Do you have your children help you in the kitchen?  What lessons do they learn? Do you have any kid friendly recipes to share?

I'd love to see your posts, whether you have done something this week or some time in the past. Just link up below. This is a weekly linky.

I am linking up to:


Blog Post Hop

Growing Up Gardner

Happy Go Lucky

Full Time Mama

Melt in Your Mouth Monday
Try a New Recipe Tuesday at Home to Four Kiddos
The Gathering Spot at Mamal Diane
Tempt My Tummy at Blessed with Grace
Friday Food Frenzy at Close to Home
Fantastic Thursday at Five Little Chefs

And here is my Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen linky


  1. Yum! I love learning in the's such a great opportunity for science, math, and reading/following directions.

  2. Thanks for hosting! Hope you're having a super week!

  3. I love all of the photos! :-) The recipe looks delicious and it looks like your children are having so much fun. Thanks for hosting and for linking up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday."


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