Thursday, November 18, 2010

Big Truck and Little Truck

Shibley Smiles
   The Attached Mama’s Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection 

We have been reading a really cute book for the letter Tt called Big Truck and Little Truck by Jan Carr.

In this book Little Truck is learning what he needs to do on the Farley Farm from Big Truck.  They work together with Big Fred Farley and Little Fred Farley to do different chores on the farm.  One day Big Truck has to go to the shop and Little Truck has to learn to do the chores on his own.  Will he be able to get to the market okay?  Will he remember Big Truck's advice? How long will Big Truck be gone?
The girls really liked this book, as did I. I like that Little Truck looks up to Big Truck and learns to do what he is told so that even when Big Truck is not around he can do his job.
We made a Big Truck and Little Truck craft using our letter t.

Here are the patterns I came up with and how the trucks are supposed to look.

 I used the t template I had printed out from DTLK and enlarged them. Then we turned them on their side.  Amelia thought they already looked like trucks I guess.

The girls glued the truck bed to the long part of the t, on top of the t.  Then the hood was glued onto the back of the short part.

Then the girls drew dashed lined to make our road.

The trucks were glued onto the road and then the wheels were added.  
Then they glued on some produce I cut out of craft foam.
Watermelons, pumpkins, corn and cabbage. 



As another extension we had a Big and Little Muffin Tin Monday.
We are also going to do a Big and Little sorting activity with Thanksgiving pictures.  We haven't had a chance yet because Amelia was sick on Tuesday and we went to Grandma's for an early Thanksgiving visit on Wednesday. 


  1. I love your truck craft. To me what makes this is the road.

  2. Those trucks came out great and I love the little produce in the back :-)

  3. Oh wow, you trucks came out so well! Fabulous and love the fact you they are "fully loaded". Look like you enjoyed yoru craft!

    Thank you for linking up to Kids Get Crafty! Always appreciated to have you visit!


  4. What a creative activity to go with your book! It looks like a sweet book too. My son just loves trucks.

  5. We love trucks here.Your craft is so cute. I tweeted about this post as a thank you for linking to Read.Explore.Learn.


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