Monday, September 20, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I am linking up to Scavenger Hunt Sunday for the first time. 

I found this photo link up when I was checking out some photography challenges.  We are given 5 different words and we need to be aware of how we might interpret those words through photography. Here are this week's words and my interpretations. 


When do we make wishes? While blowing out birthday candles. My hubby has a birthday coming up next week and I figure we will be having chocolate cake and peanut butter frosting.


My girls are learning how to wash dishes and I saw this opportunity to capture cleaning on camera.  I made sure to include to sponge and dish soap because the water needs these to help clean.


My girls have been learning about money daily when they get their 10 pennies (they can use it for candy throughout the day or get one taken away as a consequence).  We also exchange money when they have enough pennies to get different coins. Daddy thought it would be cool to introduce Tabitha to a dollar bill.  So we exchanged 4 quarters (which she had already exchanged earlier with her pennies) for the dollar bill.

Her money container.


These abandoned sandals belong to my daughter
I have to confess this picture is from June, but I love it so much I had to share her abandoned pair of shoes.

And here is the pair of bare feet


This is the pillow that Hannah lies on to take a nap.

If you would like to see other's interpretations head on over to Ramblings and Photos by Ashley Sisk


  1. I love the money idea. That is a neat way to teach them. That chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting sounds delicious!

  2. Wonderful ideas for your scavenger hunt! And good job teaching your children chores and about money. Thanks for visiting my blog today!

  3. I love how your pictures really tell a story and I loved your commentary. Why did I have to look up and read Sarah's I want cake too!


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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