Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: March 29, 2017 (w/linky) : Finally Getting to Ride the New Bikes

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. It's finally beginning to feel like Spring will actually come. I'm sure the kids had a great time with their bikes!

  2. Fun! Too bad that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles bike doesn't come in Ogre-size. ^.^

  3. It's awesome to see kids playing and having fun outside! great shots..

  4. What a beautiful area of Pennsylvania you live in! I don't really care about living in a desert, but when I venture down to Los Angeles county, I come back thinking that the desert is far superior than that horrible big city living.

  5. So fun! I'm thankful for the warmer weather. Your post reminded me we have to get one of the tires on our "new to us" bikes fixed. I think it needs an inner tube! Hope the kids have fun riding this year.

  6. I can imagine how excited the kids are..cool bikes!

  7. Thanks for linking up at Impulsive Artistry!! : )


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