Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Littles Learning Link Up: March 21, 2017

 Each month you will find:
  • A seasonal round-up (toward the beginning of the month)
  • A guest post featuring crafts, activities, tips, snack ideas or other early childhood topics. (toward the end of the month)
  • Posts where I share what I have been up to with my preschoolers and/or early elementary children (including occasional highlight posts where I share how we used ideas that have been linked up here on Littles Learning Link Up).
Each week, I will host a link up, where you can share either what you have been up to recently, or old posts that may go with the theme.  Feel free to link up more than one post.

Each week I will continue to feature a couple of posts from those that have been linked up. 

I hope you will continue to share your wonderful posts, and I hope you will find something new to try with your child(ren).

It would be great for everyone to stop by and visit the other linked-up posts as well. Check them out, leave some comments, pin those that interest you. Let's make this a real party and socialize with each other.

What have we been up to?

We have been learning about Germany in our homeschool. Of course, that means we get to watch fairy tales, because so many come from Germany. Did you know Disney based the Sleeping Beauty castle on a castle from Germany? We didn't. It is one of the fun things we have been learning. That said, we didn't get to watch Sleeping Beauty, but we did watch Snow White and Tangled. Maybe this week we will get to watch Sleeping Beauty. And we watch Once Upon a Time, so we have lots of fairy tales represented there.

I do not have a craft to share this week. Due to the weather last Wednesday, co-op was cancelled. We did a little bit of school work, but not much, and I hadn't planned a craft at all. Last week was actually not near as productive as I would have liked. School-wise at least. Thursday I wasn't feeling well, and slept some of the morning and afternoon away. Then on Friday I was getting ready for the baby shower for our little grand daughter. Yes, I will be sharing pictures of the baby shower for this week's Wordless Wednesday.

Let's take a look at that review schedule:

I recently posted two reviews. The first one is for Eclectic Foundations Language Arts B, which is what Hannah is using (and loving).  And the one that posted last week was for the Circle C Stepping Stone books written by Susan K. Marlow. The girls are really enjoying these books.  We are starting Color My Conversation from Northern Speech Services. Color My Conversation is "a dynamic, multi-sensory social skills program developed by a Speech-Language Pathologist to teach the skills of face-to- face conversations." That review will be posting in the second week of April. I just started Readers in Residence (Sleuth) from Apologia Educational Ministries with Tabitha. And we started watching Drive Thru History: The Gospels. Both of these reviews will also be posting in late April. There will be a review for ArtAchieve posting at the beginning of May. We used Level 1 of ArtAchieve last year and really enjoyed it. I was very excited to see we were going to have the opportunity to try out Level 2, especially because there are quite a few projects that go with the countries/continents we are learning about (Germany, Africa, China, Japan, Australia). 

Some thing I would like to share with you:

Resurrection Day isn't until next month, but it is never too soon to be preparing for such an important holiday. Last year I shared the Focusing On Jesus Resurrection Day Round Up.

Last week I shared my Flower and Gardening Fun Literature and Craft Round Up. This featured my Complementary Color Flower Craft and a round up of fun flower/gardening crafts and book lists.

I am trying to line up guest posts for 2017. If you would be interested writing a guest post for Littles Learning Link Up one of these months, please leave a comment or contact me via my contact info on my About Me page. I will need to have your email address so I can contact you. I am looking for posts that have to do with young children: crafts, activities, foods/snacks, tips, or other ideas. I am open to suggestions.

Now onto:
Littles Learning Link Up Features

On my last Littles Learning Link Up post, there were 11 wonderful posts linked up. I will be picking one randomly selected post to share, plus the top clicked-on post.  

Don't forget to stop by other posts that are linked up. See what catches your eye, stop by, pin the post to a relevant board, and perhaps leave a comment to let the author of the blog know you have been by for a visit. I know I appreciate others commenting and letting me know they have read my posts, so I am sure others do too.

This week's randomly selected post is:

Jennifer from The Jenny Evolution shared Skittles Rainbow Sugar Cookies Bark Recipe.

And here is this week's top clicked on post.

Michelle from homeschool-your-boys.com shared 8 Things Moms Should Know About Their Sons.

Join the Party!

I would love to have you join in this week! What sort of activities do you do with your young children? Do you have some favorite activities you would like to share? I invite you to link up below. I will be pinning posts on one of my relevant boards, and I would love to feature some of the activities each week from what is linked up.

Please know I may share a picture from your post and link back to it, along with sharing how we used your idea in our school time. By linking up you are giving me permission to use a picture from your post. I will ALWAYS give credit and link back. Additionally, if you choose to try out any of the ideas with your child, please make sure you give credit where credit is due.

Linky will be open through Monday night, to give me time to check out all the posts and get the Features organized. Please take the time to visit some of the other wonderful posts linked up.



  1. Having grown up in Disney World's backyard, I actually did know about the castle...then the really cool thing is that I was able to visit that actual castle in Germany almost 10 years ago! I hope you have a fabulous spring!

  2. That's great that you are studying Germany. I noticed when I taught my kids Grimm's fairy tales that they were a lot darker than I remembered. I think Disney made them better than the original.


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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