Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: September 28, 2016 (w/linky) : Box Day!

I love happy mail days. I also love knowing what is in the box. And more than that, it thrills me that the children are so excited about our new curriculum that they want to run outside to get it. Alas, it was too heavy and mommy ended up being the one bringing it into the house.

Of course, they love the packaging paper too.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. I love how excited they are for school!

  2. Oooh what fun! I love getting packages, too, especially when it contains books. :)
    Thanks for sharing your sweet family and their excitement with us.

    Have a great week!

  3. It looks like Christmas came early at your house. I remember the days of getting the new curriculum. I don't regret at all our decision to homeschool. Our youngest, now 21, is in the honors college at Texas A&M and has made the dean's list every semester she has been in school. Our two sons went into the military and both are rocketing through the ranks. The commanding officer of our Navy boy hunted me down to tell me he wished all his recruits had been homeschooled. Our youngest son is a Marine and is highly requested by commanding officers because he has problem solving skills most don't have. He is now a corporal. Our oldest daughter is in a good university in a highly demanding program as well.
    Enjoy this time in their lives.

  4. Happy Box Day! Exploring Countries & Cultures was one of our favorite and memorable years. May you be blessed in your journey ahead around the world.

  5. This is cool!
    Where would you recommend for a homeschool that has very little in funds?


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