Thursday, April 2, 2015

First Day April 2015

I can't believe another month has gone already. Welcome to our First Day of April post! I hope you had a fun April Fools Day. We aren't big on pranks and untruths around here, but we did play a little joke on daddy (no lying involved).

We didn't make it to co-op because kiddos still aren't feeling the best. I knew that in their one class, the girls were to be dyeing eggs, so, we decided to do it at home.

As it was a no-school day, the children got to play games in the morning. Please excuse the stuffies, we have been cleaning out the playroom and the children were told to put all the stuffed animals on the love seat in order for mommy and daddy to go through them.

Tabitha is becoming quite the little artist.

To dye or not to dye? That is the question.

What is left of the cake the children and daddy made the other night to surprise me.

I told you we did a little something for April Fool's Day. I saw this idea shared on Facebook and thought it would be great fun to trick daddy. And we didn't have to lie. We did make him "brown e's." Hehehe!

Tabitha decided to do her own little joke and made daddy a Sand Witch (sandwich).

Yes, we did dye the eggs.

My girl is reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I really didn't think she would be ready for it so young, but she is doing great.

It seems got in on the fun of April Fools Day.

Poor boy still wasn't feeling well.

That's mommy's girl.

The others were asleep all ready.

Time for my alone time with my new review product from the Schoolhouse Review Crew.

And, this is how I tend to end my days. Falling asleep playing Wordament on my phone.

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