Sunday, October 5, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: October 5, 2014

Time for some Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

I am still playing catch up today. I never did get a chance to post my second catch up post during the week. are my pictures for this week plus the two previous weeks. Hoping I can stay up to date as we move forward.

Window, Square, Picture in Picture, Curve, Pattern


 First girl back in the house when we got home. For some reason she headed straight to the window to look out at us. The others then joined her and I was going to share a picture of them all together, but none of the other pictures turned out near as cute.


One of the many square flower boxes that are on the sides of the street around town.

Picture in Picture

I don't have many pictures of me on my blog, mainly because I prefer to be the one behind the camera. However, after I saw this picture that daddy took of me with Harold, I just had to share it. Funnily enough there are pictures in the background, so I figured it would fit this prompt well. The pictures are of the annual Hot-air Balloon Rally that takes place every July in the town we were in. We have gone once and it was tons of fun to watch them get the balloons ready and watch them rise into the sky and fly off. Can't wait to be able to go again.


 I loved the curve of these leaves standing out next to the jaggedness of the leaves on the tree next to them.

 I also decided to take a picture of us rounding the final curve before reaching home as we walked around town the other day. On a side note, the children wanted me to take a picture of them balancing on the curb on the other side of town because they always though "curb" was really "curve." They now know the correct word.


A simple checkerboard pattern on the table where we were eating. 

On to the next week's prompts.

Key, Triangle, Favorite Word, Celebration, Best

I have yet to take a picture of a key of some sort. Just wasn't getting any special inspiration here. Was looking for something I haven't done in the past.


 Harold enjoying himself on the slide at the playground. How many triangles can you see?

Favorite Word

 Had to share this expression as Harold uttered his favorite word yet again. What is that word? His favorite word right now is, "Why?" or better yet, his favorite phrase, "Why, mommy?"


 Getting ready to go home after attending our church's 1st Annual Community Fall Harvest Festival Celebration. It was very well attended. I believe the most popular attraction was the hayride.


The best thing I can put in my body has being neglected. However, thanks to a 10 Day Water Challenge I found on Facebook, I have been rectifying this and attempting to get healthier. I now have been trying to get in at least 2 of these bottles a day.

On to this week's prompts.

Autumn, Leaves, Boots, Hot Beverage, Game


Waiting for a hayride

Hayride fun

 Playing at the park, collecting and playing in leaves.

 Trying to catch leaves in a basket.

All a part of Autumn Fun.


They had tons of fun making a huge leave pile to jump and play in at the park the other day.

 Tabitha reading one of her favorite books that daddy had enjoyed as a child, featuring Bruno and Boots.

 Also wanted to share the cute boots they made as a part of our Wild West Fairy Tales unit. This craft went with the story, The Bootmaker and the Elves.

Hot Beverage

Okay, not a hot beverage, but this freezing cold Slushee is in a cup that is meant for a hot beverage. 


Well, we haven't been to any football games within the last couple of weeks, so I thought I would share a couple of the games that came in the mail recently for me to review.


  1. You've been having fun lately! The kids have gotten so big!

  2. Great job in playing "catch up" with the hunt. I enjoy seeing what your lovely family is up to. Loved all the leave shots where they are playing in them. That is so much fun. Cute boot craft as well. Also I really chuckled at the favorite word "Why" - What kid hasn't asked that to their parents a million times.

  3. You always do so wonderful at capturing a moment for the hunt!

  4. Oh my--you did get all caught up though--
    I love the one with the kids in the pile of leaves--
    that brought back some memories of when I was a kid--
    long long time ago--thanks


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