Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wittle People Wednesday #4- September 19, 2012

Welcome to my 4th week of "Wittle People Wednesday," the new linky hosted by Ashley of Ramblings and Photos by Ashley Sisk. (I sort of skipped a week.)

I decided this would be fun to link up to as I am always taking pictures. I use some for Wordless Wednesday, some for the Scavenger Hunt Sunday (also hosted by Ashley) and some in my homeschool posts (the weekly review and the Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen posts), but sometimes there are pictures I would love to share that just didn't find a way into a post.

Here are some recent pictures of my "Wittle People."

Daddy grabbed this picture of Tabitha after she fell asleep reading. So like her mommy.

I can not believe baby Harold is 7 months old already!!

He is just getting more stable while sitting by himself. I am never more than an arm's length away as he does fall over, but he is doing really well I think.

And he is finally starting to put more weight on his legs and standing for short periods of time while I hold his hands.  Scary thing is, Tabitha was doing this at 2 months old.

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