Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: May 25th, 2016 (w/linky) - Picking Flowers

So, we went over to the park to gather pinecones to make our birdfeeders for our Science Shepherd activity. While there, Amelia had to keep being reminded that we were supposed to be finding pinecones. She much preferred picking flowers. 

See, Harold was following directions. He ended up with an armful of pinecones.

And yes, Amelia was still picking flowers.

She wasn't the only one who ended up picking "flowers." Harold wanted me to take a picture, so I gladly obliged.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. You can hardly blame her! Flowers are much more fun.

    Visit Keith's WW / LINKY

  2. I can see how flowers would be tempting to pick. ;) Harold looks like he's grown up so much! He's getting tall.

  3. So you picked flowers and pinecones. Great cooperation.

  4. This is what my son loves to do as well when we are out and he can see flowers! They are so sweet!


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