Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Natural Skin Care from Koru Naturals {A TOS Review}

Koru Naturals Review
The majority of the time that I share reviews, I am sharing products that I have used with the children. Occasionally, I have the opportunity to try out a product for me. My latest review from The Schoolhouse Review Crew is from Koru Naturals. My husband and I have both been trying out the two products I was sent . We received a 2 oz bottle of Emu Oil and a 1.4 oz jar of Koolpurrie Restoring Balm.

Koru Naturals is a company based in New Zealand, a land of natural beauty and ancient traditions. Out of these ancient traditions has come some wonderful, natural health products. As members of the Review Crew, we were all given the chance to try out the Pure Emu Oil and were given a choice between the following products:
  • Pure Lanolin Lip Balm
  • New Zealand Pure and Simple Lanolin Cream
  • Manuka Oil and Honey Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Koolpurrie Restoring Balm
Though all of these products sounded so tempting, I was excited about the chance to try out the Restoring Balm as it was a product my husband and I both felt we could use. 

I would like to share the Emu Oil first.

I loved the sound of the Emu Oil as I have always had dry skin, especially on my hands. I have to tell you, the winter months take a terrible toll on my hands. Every product I have tried in the past has caused a reaction  on my skin, even products that help my mother who has similar concerns. I had high hopes for the products from Koru Naturals. I mean, this Emu Oil is a product that has been used for thousands of years by the peoples of Australia. It is all natural, fully refined, doesn't clog pores and hypoallergenic. It includes vitamins, minerals, plus Omega 3 and Omega 6. 

When I first received the package from Koru Naturals, I was very excited to try out the Emu Oil. It can be used on skin to help alleviate dry skin and to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It can also be used in hair to moisturize. As I researched, I also discovered it may be able to stimulate hair growth, though this isn't a benefit Koru Naturals mentions. I thought it would be a wonderful use as my hair has gotten quite thin as I have gotten older. I started by just using it on my hands. Only a few drops are needed as it spreads really nicely and then absorbs right into the skin. The company has made a note on the website that if your hands feel greasy after applying the oil, too much has been used. Let me tell you, the first couple of days I used the oil my hands felt so smooth, smoother than they had in years. 

Unfortunately, this moisture didn't last very long and I tried adding some more later in the day. It seemed to be working on my fingertips and palms, but the backs of my hands still felt dry after each application. Sadly, on the third day, I started to notice little cracks on my skin.  

I also applied it to my hair a couple of times prior to washing it, per the instruction on the website. My hair did seem shinier, though my hair is so long, it took a lot of oil to cover it. The directions state to use 5-6 drops. However, it doesn't state what hair length this is suitable for. I wasn't quite sure I was using the correct amount. But, that is actually a moot point, because of the effect it was having on my hands. 
I decided to switch to the Koolpurrie Restoring Balm to see if it could "soothe, heal, and restore [my] dry and damaged skin." My husband continued to use the Emu Oil on his hands, and he used the Restoring Balm on his feet. 
Koru Naturals Review
The Koolpurrie Restoring Balm also contains all natural ingredients. It is a combination of Premium Grade A Emu Oil and Pure Lanolin. Then there is the list of things that are NOT in this product, "no dyes, perfumes, preservatives, paraffin, or chemicals." The balm is definitely greasier than the Emu Oil by itself. When I was trying to figure out how to describe it's consistency, the only thing that would come to mind is, petroleum jelly, though it is not quite the same. Again, only a small amount is to be used, a thin layer on the damaged skin, applied with clean, dry hands. I used it on the back of my hand, where the Emu Oil didn't seem to help. And, as I stated, my husband used it on his feet. The directions on the website state that it is most effective when applied at bedtime. Due to the greasiness, I don't think I would use it at other times during the day. I didn't use it every night, but on the nights that I did, it helped the cracks to heal and I woke up with smoother skin. 

Unfortunately, during the day my skin still got really dry, causing me to scratch to relieve the itching. After a couple of weeks of use, I noticed it wasn't just dry skin that was causing my hand to itch. I was starting to have the same allergic reaction to the Restoring Balm as I have had to every other product that is meant to help relieve dry skin. I can't tell you how disappointed I was that even this pure, natural product didn't seem to be able to help me. It was wonderful when it was working. I just seem to have very, very sensitive skin that reacts to everything. 

I did want to share my husband's experience with you.

"For the past two years I have had huge problems with my feet.  More precisely,  the skin on my feet would get so dry throughout the winter months and itch that I would sometimes spend 15 minutes at a time scratching them trying to get comfortable.  It used to get so bad that the itching of my feet would wake me up from a sound sleep.  I would scratch so hard that huge chunks of skin would come off the bottom of my foot.  This lead to infection, pain, and costly trips to the Podiatrist for antibiotic cream. This year, while using the Koolpurrie Restoring Balm my feet haven’t itched nearly as much and I haven’t ripped out big chunks of skin. And I haven’t needed to use any antibiotic cream."

I would definitely recommend these two products for use on dry and damaged skin. As I stated, it felt wonderful, before my skin started reacting to it. The Restoring Balm did heal the cracks in my skin at first and when I awoke in the morning, my skin was very smooth, with no greasy feeling remaining.  I know others who have skin problems have mentioned that the Emu Oil does work for them, so I don't want my extremely sensitive skin to be a deterrent to anyone who wants to try it. Just be aware, if you also have very sensitive skin, you may have a reaction. 

You can purchase the Emu oil in 2 oz bottles, 4 oz bottles, a set of 2- 4 oz bottles, or an 8 oz bottle.  You can stop by their website to check out their current prices. As of the posting of my review, the 2 oz bottle we received is selling for $9.85.

You can purchase the Koolpurrie Restoring Balm in one size, the 1.4 oz tub I received for review. Please stop by their website for more details. At the time of this post, the Balm can be purchased for $12.50.
You can find Koru Naturals on Facebook and Pinterest.

Because you are to use a small amount at a time, these products should last a long time.

Don't forget to check out what my fellow Crew Mates thought of these products. 
Koru Naturals Review
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