Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Photo Round-up: June 10, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Travel, Silly, Black and White, Spots and Paper


We don't really "travel" very far, but if we chose to go on a trip we might use a map.

My girls being silly:



 Black and White
I remember reading about the benefits of black and white contrast in patterns for baby toys waaayyy back when I was pregnant for Floyd (he is now 19). We call this guy "Alien dude" and it is baby Harold's first favorite play toy.

Hannah reading in the nursery at church, sitting under the "spotty" cows.

Then I took a couple of shots of the spots on my window the other day when it started raining on my way to go shopping.

Some of the paper I have in a Baby Memories Scrapbook I was given.

Now on to
June Photo a Day

Day 3: On Your Plate

Trying to eat healthier.

Day 4: Close Up

Day 5: Sign

The sign in the background showing the slowly falling gas prices, as daddy drives off to work signing "I love you" as he always does.

Day 6: Hat

Day 7: Drink

Day 8: 6:00

So, what was I doing at 6:00pm? Feeding the baby of course. My memory card was full, so I had one opportunity to get a shot of my phone reading 6:00. Didn't work.

Day 9: Your view today

This is my view out of my living room window if I turn around while sitting at the computer.

And linking up my favorite photo

(Baby Harold has started reaching for things and grabbing them. He was holding onto his musical monkey while I was getting some things done. I love the expression on his face. It really was a toss up between this shot and a shot where he grabbed Alien Dude's nose. It came down to the facial expression.)


Happily Mother After

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


  1. Good job with the scavenger hunt. I too remember when it was all the rage to have black/white toys to stimulate your tot years back (probably have something similar in the keepsake trunk).

  2. Silly girls, love spots on the window. Have a fabulous week.

  3. What a great group of pictures. I love the last one the best. Adorable...

  4. Very nice shots! We used to own that "Woozit" toy!!

  5. Great week of photo's I love all the sillyness :)

  6. Great set - love your silly shot.

  7. Baby Harold is adorable.

    Thank you so much for sharing at Your Sunday Best this week. xoxo

  8. the concentration expression on his face.
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos
    (came from GMYBS)


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