Monday, June 25, 2012

Free Sign Ups for the Back to Preschool Giveaway Blast

Bloggers! It is almost here!
The Back to Preschool Giveaway Blast

Tots and Me

When the fall rolls around, as it will way to soon, the big kids will go off to school, or in the case of homeschoolers the older children will start up their studies again (unless they school year round). There will be lots of excitement and anticipation for those older children.

But, what about the younger children in the family. 
Older toddlers and young preschoolers may miss out on the excitement. 
The Back to Preschool Giveaway Blast has been designed to bring some excitement into the lives of our younger children. All of the prizes in the Grand Prize will be great for these younger children. Here is a sneak peek at what I have been working on:

And this doesn't include the online subscriptions or Gift Certificate.
(The amount of the Gift Certificate will depend on how many bloggers opt to purchase additional links)
Some of these great sponsors have also agreed to help create a Second Place Prize Pack.
So there are going to be 2 winners!!

I would love to have a whole bunch of bloggers join in with me to make the
 Back to Preschool Giveaway Blast

The event will actually take place from July through Aug 18th. 
July will be filled with reviews of all these great products. I will share both my and my daughters' opinions on these products. We are looking forward to sharing with you. In fact, reading and commenting on these review posts will get you bonus entries into the giveaway.

The giveaway will run from Aug 1st through Aug 18th

How can you join in?
(and there will be ways to join in even if you don't want to join in with the Free Blogger Sign Ups, please see below.)

I am offering one free FACEBOOK link for helping to promote by posting the giveaway on time with all links intact and sharing on either Facebook or Twitter at least 3 times during the event (1- at the beginning, 2- sometime in the middle and 3- on the last day as a reminder)

There are also some optional ways that you can help:

  1. Share about this Free Blogger Sign Up Opportunity on either your blog or Facebook page and place the event button on your sidebar to earn a Twitter link and 10 bonus entries into the Giveaway. (While this is optional I would encourage you to share, as the more people sign up the bigger this will be which will help everyone's numbers.)
  2. $3.00 will get you your choice of Pinterest link or email subscribe in addition to the above links. This money will go directly into the Gift Card.
  3. $5.00 will get you both the Pinterest link and the email subscibe giving you a total of 4 links, in addition to your blog being named on the giveaway post with a link back to your blog. This money will also go directly into the Gift Card. 
  4. If you don't want to purchase the additional links I am offering the choice to supply a prize (worth $10 or more) to the Grand Prize Package. You will be responsible for shipping the prize to the winner unless you plan to get someone to sponsor it. This is completely optional, but you will receive the same benefits as #3!!
You must have a family friendly blog to participate!
You must post on time and submit a your direct link to your post on the form I will supply (both in the email I send with the post information and on my Facebook Group-Tots and Me Celebrations and More.
You must promote the giveaway at least 3 times (the more we share, the more entries we get and the more likes/follows for you)
You must join the Facebook page-

There is one Grand Prize Pack worth at least $170 which includes craft items, games, a DVD, a book and learning activities as shown above.
There will also be a Second Place Prize pack, worth of which is to be determined.

edit: the Grand Prize Pack is now worth approx $225 and the Second Place Prize Pack is growing!!

Referral Benefit:
The top referrers will get to host a Facebook or Twitter link page. 

Do you wish to help share about this Event but not have the time to worry about posting and promoting? I would love to give you 10 bonus entries into the giveaway for sharing about this event. Please just write up a little blurb on your blog and share the button on your sidebar. Then leave a comment below saying you have done so with a link to your post. When the giveaway rolls around on August 1st claim your bonus entries in the correct spot on the Rafflecopter. Please make sure the button is on your blog for the length of the event.

Also, reading and commenting on the review posts will get you bonus entries.

Please help make this event a success!!


  1. I shared your button on my blog. :)

  2. Blogged about it:
    and button is in my sidebar.
    Getting excited!! :)


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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