Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer Fun Week of June 25th 2012

This week was very busy. We had our second week of Summer Reading Program in town. The girls got to go to Vacation Bible School across the street from the church where we go to playgroup. And, it was the first week of Summer Reading Program where we go to Story time.
Daddy actually took the girls Tues and Wednesday to VBS, then I took them Thurs and Fri. Amelia had a little trouble remembering and reciting the verses, but she improved by the end of the week. Here are some pictures from there recreation time. Baby Harold and I had taken a walk yesterday and they were outside when we came back.

Don't worry, she was "tagged" by the ball and had to wait to get unfrozen.

Then today I took a walk with Baby Harold and Hannah. Hannah had to walk because our double stroller that would fit the car seat will not fold up to be put in the trunk. It took a while to get around town, but we had fun. When we got to the little playground I couldn't just walk on by. Hannah saw the slides and said, "slide" so slide she did. Fortunately, Harold was asleep. 

Today was the last day and they had a closing program and a picnic. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures. 

As I mentioned, we are also involved with 2 summer reading programs this year. Like last year we get to go to the one and they spin the wheel to find out how many books they need to take out and then they spin for a small prize (yay, more clutter). Then we go to the summer reading program in town where we take our Reading Logs in which we recorded how long we read during the week. This is where the books from the other program come in handy. Each hour of reading gets the girls a dollar (fake, of course). They then save it up until they have enough to buy something from the Program Store. I think the lowest priced item was $7. We also count the time Tabitha reads to me or her sisters. 
This library's program is on Thursday and there is a craft involved and a book read, plus snack of course. Here are some pictures of the girls making there Fireflies this week.

And they are having Bear Camp this week. The children were to bring a stuffed animal friend to the library. The animals got little name tags and get to stay the week. When we pick them up next week we will also get pictures of what the animals did all week. The assistant librarian came up with the idea. I think it is so cute. Unfortunately Tabitha had some separation anxiety. However, I will say I haven't heard her say anything about missing April Bear since Thursday.

Hear are April and Orange getting ready to go:

Oops they need to be safe:

Getting out at "camp."

Story time:

(see, they have their finished fireflies.)

Snack time:

Also linking up with



  1. I wish I had fun stuff like that when I was a kid. Haha

  2. I love that the churches have such great summer stuff for the kids, mine get to go on Wednesdays and play in the gym. A nice break from the Texas heat and they get their exercise.

    Those are sweet pictures! My daughter is 12 and still buckles her teddies in to. :)

  3. What adorable kids! It sounds like you had a blast!

  4. looks like summer is off to a great start! I love that April and Orange used a seat belt too! thanks for linking up.


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