Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Wordless Wednesday: July 25, 2018 (w/linky) - Vacation Field Trip Day 2: The Ark Encounter

Two weeks ago we were just getting back to our "home-away-from-home" after an exciting and educational day at the Ark Encounter. Last week I promised I would be focusing on the Ark in this week's Wordless Wednesday. I have to apologize for the length of this post. I know it is going to be really hard for me to narrow down which pictures I am going to be sharing. It is just such an amazing place to visit. Without further ado, let's get started.

Ark Encounter

Our first sighting of the Ark Encounter sign:

First sighting of the actual Ark.

See it there in the background? Past Tabitha's head.

Getting ready to get on the shuttle to the Ark.

This shuttle was the one that left right before ours.

Here's ours!

Ark Encounter:

Finally beginning to understand the enormity of the Ark.

In we go.

No, it isn't just filled with animals. There are samples of what the animals may have been housed it, with lots of different kinds of animals; however, there are a lot of exhibits too.

Quite a few interactive exhibits for children too.

Thoughts on how they may have fed the animals.

Looking at the interactive display that contemplates a few different ways there would have been lighting in the ark.

We headed out of the ark to the buffet restaurant next door for lunch.

Then back to where we left off in the ark.

The dangers of those little tiny arks pictured in children's storybooks.

A look at what the living quarters for Noah's family might have looked like.

Thoughts on how Noah and his family may have grown food on the ark.

More exhibits with theories of what happened during and after the flood. From a creationist perspective. 

I soooo want the top timeline pictured below. They do actually sell it in the store.

The one door.
Just as the Ark only had one door, there is only one way to God, through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. See the cross on the door?

Yes, there were even some live animals on this Ark.

Here's the porcupine. There were also some alpacas and some sort of lizard.

Walking past the gardens on the way to the Ararat Ridge Zoo.

I LOVE those huge flower pots. Wish I had gotten a better shot of them.

Last view of the Ark Encounter.

Sorry there are so many pictures (though I think I did a good job narrowing them down seeing as I took over 1600 pictures during our three day vacation.
 I hope you took the time to look at them. The Ark Encounter really is an amazing place that affirms God's truths.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

No button currently, and there won't be one until I can figure it out seeing as Photobucket has changed things. Feel free to still share the picture in place of the button on your Wordless Wednesday post or in a list of Wordless Wednesday linkies. Just link it to my Wordless Wednesday permalink please.


  1. It looks like an amazing place and you all look like you had a great time!
    Thanks for sharing!

    - Lisa

  2. Wow, what an amazing experience - I felt like I was there - thank you for sharing your photos with us at Create With Joy - awesome way to spend the day! :-)

  3. Looks like an interesting and great learning experience. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. I bet it felt huge!! How fun!! I like the animals.

  5. Great photos! I can imagine the whole thing better and it's really impressive! I'm going to show this post to my husband, because he'll find it interesting too. Thanks for linking on Amanda's Books and More!

  6. What an amazing tour, so many great pictures to share!!! Your kids must of had a ball and will talk about it for a long time. The Ark looks huge!!!
    Thanks for sharing on #omhgww this week!
    Have a great week!

  7. It's beautiful your family! Feliz #MM, happy #WW!

  8. Oh my goodness! That's so crazy (that someone built that!) I think there's also one in Malaysia? I didn't realise it was such a popular tourist thing. The scale is huge!

  9. That's awesome your family got to experience this! The pictures alone make it look like a fun and interesting place. Thanks for sharing this with us :)


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