Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: June 1, 2016 (w/linky) - Lunchtime Picnic and Recess at the Park

Gotta love the flexibility of homeschooling, and the fact that there is a park right beyond our backyard. The children wanted a picnic, so mommy obliged. Then they got to play for a while before going back in to continue our lessons.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. Looks like a great day playing outdoors :)

  2. We always love basketball but we play it in the room as there are not lots of court in here.

  3. Hahaha on the teddy bear with cell phone.

  4. They shoot, they score! Well done, I'm awful! Nice capture of some family time, thank you.

  5. What a fun way to spend the day - I was homeschooled as well and we used to take park days too when I was a kid! Thank you for linking up at:

  6. Such beautiful pictures. Yes.... homeschooling is so amazing and I love the flexibility it gives us. What a blessing it is to grow, learn, and play together as a family.

  7. What a great time they had. I love children playing outside. You took some good pictures for memories.

  8. Looks like your kids had a lot of fun!


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