Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Reading Game Giveaway

Last year during my Back to School/5 Year Blogiversary Celebration, I was given the opportunity to review a great game for beginning readers called The Reading Game. We used it with Hannah for a while, and I really liked it, but she wasn't quite ready for it. So, we put it away for a while. I am definitely not one who believes in pushing a child before they are ready for something. I want my children to love reading, not feel it is a chore. Now, it looks like she is ready, and we will be using this game as a part of our schooling this year. I contacted the company to see if they would allow me to give away another game here on my blog, and they generously agreed. 

The Reading Game was created by Kenneth Hodkinson, the author of Wordly Wise. He came up with The Reading Game to help his granddaughter learn to read. She was showing signs of reading readiness but not yet in kindergarten.  After his success with his own granddaughter, he field tested the game and brought it to market. Thus was born a small family business. Since then, they have updated the game, and I have had the privilege of using the 2nd Enhanced Edition with Hannah. 

The Reading Game comes with:
  • 6 decks of matching word playing cards
  • 6 sets of picture flashcards
  • 6 illustrated storybooks
  • Instruction Guide
I invite you to read my full review from last year to see how the game is played, and to see what our initial thoughts on the product were. As we start using it again this year, I will be sharing updates on how Hannah is doing with it occasionally in my Littles Learning Link Up or Weekly Review posts. 

The Reading Game can be purchased for $34.95.

 You can learn more about the game at their website.
They even have a section for educators where you can download assessments and recording sheets.
You can also find them on Facebook.

 The Reading Game can be yours!

All you need to do is enter in the Rafflecopter form below. 
There are only 2 simple mandatory entries, with the remainder of the entries being optional. 
Remember, you do not have to do the extra entries, but they will increase your odds of winning. 

This giveaway is open to US residents 18 and over. 
The giveaway runs August 9 through August 22.

Thanks for stopping by, and good luck!

 By entering the giveaway, you understand and agree that your contact information will be shared with the sponsor.

Disclosure: I reviewed The Reading Game last year as a part of my Back to School/5 Year Blogiversary Celebration. I approached the company about doing another giveaway this year as I feel it is a great product and I wanted a chance to share it with my readers again. I received no further compensation.


  1. He's currently 4, almost 5. Plus, I'd be thrilled to have on hand for our youngest two children as they grow too!

  2. My daughter is almost 3.

  3. My son is 4 and my daughter is 2...I'll be using it for,both!

  4. My son is 5 and I have two more coming up behind him.

  5. my son is 4 and i want to use with him. also my daughter will be 3.

  6. I plan on using it for my 7 year old. He's one in which I wasn't going to push the reading until he was ready.

  7. 4 and he's a beginning reader !

  8. I have a struggling reluctant reader . It's hard to get her to read but I am sure she will soon.

  9. The child I would like this for is 4. Thank you


  10. The kids I babysit would love to learn to read using this game. Thanks for the review!

  11. Three kiddos! Two year old and older twins 6 that need reading assistance.


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