Sunday, July 27, 2014

Learn a Language with Rock 'n' Learn {A Back to School Review}

Perhaps you have heard about the benefits of including music in the learning experience. I know for myself, it is easier to bring to mind something that I have learned set to music. And, of course, there are those catchy commercial jingles that seem to stick in our memory. Music is an important part of learning and Rock 'N Learn has successfully been creating educational DVD's and CD's, and more recently Mobile Apps and iBook versions, since its founding in 1986. I love that the goal of co-founders Richard and Brad Caudle has not changed in all these years. Their aim is "providing children with programs that would make learning easier and fun."

We have been privileged to review Rock 'N Learn products in the past. We have reviewed a couple for younger children (Dance with the Animals and Letter Sounds), a couple for beginning readers (Sight Words and Sight Words 2), and a math DVD (Money and Making Change). When I contacted Rock 'N Learn regarding my Back to School/5 Year Blogiversary Giveaway they graciously allowed me to review one of their new DVD's, "Learn a Language."

In Learn a Language we were reintroduced to our friends from the Letter Sounds and Sight Words DVD's we have loved. Brad, Susan, Festus, Chip, Word-Bot, and the Rock 'N Learn Kids join together to teach us not one, but 6 different languages. This DVD is geared for children ages 2 and up, so it was great for all of us.  Yes, I said all of "us" because mommy wanted to learn as well. So, while the children gather around the television, mommy sneaks peeks while I am doing other things.

When we first load the DVD the main menu comes up. There are multiple ways to learn the different languages on this DVD. If you choose the language directly from the main menu, both the spoken language and the captions will be in that language. However, you can create a custom combination to fit how you want your children to learn the languages.

 We have been focusing on Spanish, so we chose "Spanish" from the "Select Audio Language" menu.

We were then given the option of no subtitles, or subtitles in our language of choice. I decided the older girls could read well enough that having the subtitles in English would be the most beneficial to start with. In this way they can be sure of the translation.

As the characters said the words in Spanish, we were able to read what they were saying by reading the subtitles in English. There is a lot of repetition to ensure the words are learned. Both Brad and Susan will say the word as the object is introduced and "lit up." (Actually, what appears to be Brad and Susan talking as it is actually native speakers taking the role of Brad and Susan.)

After several words are learned there is then a flashcard-type review. We are shown two similar objects, sometimes brought to us by the Rock 'N Learn Kids, other times brought to us by Word-Bot or some other means for a bit of variety.

Not only are we taught words, but phrases as well. For instance once we learn the word for stairs, "las escaleras" we are then shown the phrase go up the stairs, "Sube las escaleras" while Festus climbs the stairs. When we are taught the word for lamp, "la lampara" we are taught how to say turn on the lamp, "Encienda la lampara." and turn off the lamp, "Apague la lampara." There are over 80 words and phrases taught per language, including furniture and other household items , clothes, toys, numbers, and colors.

We are taught to count by counting Rock 'N Learn Kids, balloons and other objects.

We learned the colors by seeing them on the big tv screen in their house and then the cans of paint they are holding. They started with primary colors and then added in the secondary colors and showed how to mix the colors. Black, white, gray, pink and brown are also included. We then look at different things that can be each color, which leads into a review of different words by adding colors to them, such as a hunt for Festus's missing shoe.

Speaking of Festus, he gets himself into some interesting predicaments and is the fun, goofy character we remember (though he doesn't have any dialogue so we don't hear him saying "sorry" like we do in the other DVD's ).

Not only did we use this to learn Spanish, but when we were focused on the book Madeline we used it so the children could be introduced to French. We also sampled the other languages, just so the children could see how different languages are. The show for each language is exactly the same, except for the fact that the words are said in the chosen language.  I was curious how Rock 'N Learn had done the Chinese language on the disc. They have shared the Chinese characters along with the pronunciation.

The other way that "Learn a Language" can be used is to choose a scene in order to review specific categories. Below are the scenes that you may choose from.

We really have enjoyed watching and learning the basics of Spanish, along with a quick introduction to 4 other foreign languages. I love that English is included. While this can be used by children of other nationalities to learn English, it can also be used for young English-speaking children to learn common words, counting and colors, along with helping older children to learn the words by including the subtitles.  Harold, who is 2 1/2 is improving his English vocabulary in addition to learning Spanish right alongside his sisters. He is counting with the characters on the screen and saying other words. Similarly, a child who is native to any of the listed languages could use this disc to learn any of the basics of any of the other languages.

I was a bit surprised that the only music that was on the disc was background music, transitional music, or a scene where Brad, Susan, and Festus are playing instruments while the Rock 'N Learn kids are painting. I understand the reasoning behind this, that the creators wanted to make sure the pronunciations of the words could be heard clearly to be learned properly. I am just remembering back to teaching the children French and Spanish at the Montessori. Yes, the learning was spoken, but we did teach them songs as well. Here at home we have sung the days of the week in Spanish and then also speak them while doing calendar. I would have loved to see some of the review time include some songs.

As much as I would have loved to have some more songs on this Rock 'N Learn DVD, I have found that it has been a wonderful tool for the children to learn another language. I'll watch the children as they view the DVD and they will be pointing out something from our house as it is mentioned on the screen, and they are using the Spanish word while they do so. I am really hoping the company is planning on coming out with a Learn a Language 2. Yes, they have a Spanish DVD for older children, but I would love to see another DVD with this same format with some different vocabulary, such as family members and animals, along with teaching the children to ask some different questions, such as "where is?"

There are almost 4 hours of language learning fun included on "Learn a Language", each language being about 38 minutes long, just the right length to be watched through in one sitting.

You can check out all the products they offer at the website
"Learn a Language" sells for $19.99.
Rock 'N Learn has generously offered my readers 25% off by using this coupon code: KR8822

 One of these great Rock 'N Learn DVD's can be yours!
Rock 'N Learn has generously offered to include "Learn a Language" or a DVD of your choice in my Back to School/5 Year Blogiversary Celebration.

 Don't miss out on the Grand Prize Giveaway!
Click here to enter the giveaway.

How would you like some extra entries into this giveaway before it even starts? 
Head on over to Rock 'N Learn website and tell me what other product catches your eye Leave the answer here in the comments with your email and when the giveaway is live I will email you the secret code to place in the Rafflecopter for a bonus 10 points. 

Don't miss out on the Grand Prize Giveaway!
Click here to enter the giveaway.


  1. The entire Science Collection that includes Earth, Physical, Human Anatomy, and Life Science caught my attention. I never knew they carried foreign language DVD's! The Solar System Audio CD and Book is of great interest to me too!!! I am also interested in the States and Capitals Rap. I can be reached at tlm swt 2000 (at) msn (dot) com. Thank you for offering the bonus entries.

  2. The Addition and Subtraction Rap sounds like one my Grandson would like. I think kids learn better if they have fun doing it. terrylee5151 at aol dot com

  3. I really like the selection that they offer. They are a great tool for teaching your young child.

  4. I love educational apps like these because they really help kids to learn. It is a great way to keep them reading during the summer.

  5. I wish they had had something like this when I was attempting to learn French. I might nit have had such a difficult time with it.

  6. How fun that they showed mixing colors. That is something where I think a visual would do wonders from retaining the info.

  7. Would have been perfect if available when my girls were learning their basic math. Cool idea to keep them engaged!

  8. I think my daughter would enjoy this as she has been wanting to learn French. It looks like it is totally engaging with fun characters. I like that they have English subtitles as well.

  9. We have several of Rock n Learn's DVDs and love them all. This one is new to us, but looks interesting.

  10. What a great review! I have never heard of this product but am interested now!

  11. I love Rock and Learn dvd's. We own several of them and my son really learns from those dvd's.

  12. Wow! How awesome?! I love this and your review is so helpul!

  13. I also wish that they had something like this when I took French class! This definitely looks like a fun and easy way to learn a language! I would love to be able to have the Spanish addition to teach all of my children. Being bilingual is almost a necessity for everyone these days.

  14. I also like the Letter Sounds and the Dance with the Animals DVDs.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  15. I also like the Letter Sounds and the Dance with the Animals DVDs. There are such a wide array of DVDs to use in their collection.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  16. We have a Rock n Learn DVD for phonics that really helped my son begin to read. The way the songs are so catchy made learning easy and fun for him. He's been badgering me to let him learn Spanih like his big brother in high school. I think this DVD would be the perfect start for him.

  17. wow i love this,perfect for learning dinfrent language beside english.Looks so much fun to learn while you play or watch dvd.

  18. This is another great product that I would like to use with my kiddos. My mother is Mexican, and I learned some Spanish in high school and two semesters in college. Now that I have children of my own, I want to teach them as well. I am always on the lookout for new and fun ways to teach them and this is wonderful!

  19. Rock N Learn has a wide selection of DVDs. It's great to know two or more languages!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  20. I like that this "curriculum" uses music to memorize certain facts, math facts, languages, and sight words! My daughter is needing something like this because she is fairly stubborn what she allows into her brain! We also use Charlotte Mason curriculum and they suggest using songs to memorize languages especially.

  21. I have one of these and it's awesome. My students love it, and learn so much

  22. Looks great! I would love for my kids to learn a new language.


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