Monday, September 24, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: Mini Meal

Muffin Tin Monday at

We are on our second week of the letter "m" and I decided to make a Mini Meal.

The girls had:
Mini Carrots
Mini Moons (string cheese cut into circles)
Mini O's with Mini Meatballs
Mini Mandarin Oranges
Mini Water Bottles (not a sugary drink, but flavored and colored Crayola water)
Mini Muffins

Hannah also had some Cheerios left over from snack and replaced the water for the cup of Cheerios.

They all went for the water first.

The mandarin oranges were next to be tried. It has been a while since we had them.

Then the mini carrots. 

The older girls both finished their muffin tins. It's been a while since they've completely cleaned their tins. Hannah was a little more picky, but that is normal for her right now.

Don't forget to stop by Muffin Tin Mom's blog to see more great muffin tins.


  1. Bet they enjoy eating their meals out of a muffin tin. Great way to give portions.

  2. What a wonderful collection of mini foods!

  3. Wow your little sweeties are growing fast! Happy Muffin Tin Monday!


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