Friday, May 25, 2012

Baby Shower Celebration: Sponsor Spotlight: My Day Registry

What better way to celebrate the birth of a child than to register the day as his or her very own. I have saved this very special sponsor for last. A way to close out my Baby Shower Celebration with a bang. I realize these giveaways have gone on a lot longer than planned. After having 6 other children you would have thought I would have known that there was no way I was going to have decent computer time with a newborn. I hope you have enjoyed all the great Baby and Mommy giveaways that have been a part of my Baby Shower Celebration. Now, to spotlight my last sponsor. 

"MyDayRegistry is a unique online registry that allows you to dedicate and register a specific day to recognize a special person or event in your life. It's a great way to let family and friends know how much they mean to you and makes for a creative and thoughtful gift that lasts a lifetime! "

What a wonderful and unique gift to give someone for the birth of their baby. 

"When you dedicate a day to yourself or a loved one, you receive a beautifully framed certificate as proof of registration and ownership."

Every certificate is printed on a beautiful high quality parchment paper and personalized for your special occasion in modern calligraphy.

The certificate is then set in a contemporary floating frame of your choice—a perfect conversation piece for the home or office!

Of course, registering the birth of a baby would be awesome, a wonderful welcome into this world. But there are so many other occasions you could choose from. 

Wedding Day
Birthdays (especially milestone birthdays like Sweet 16)
Mother's Day (how about 1st Mother's Day)
Father's Day( yep, 1st Father's Day would be special too)
Graduation (preschool, high school, college, etc)

And the list goes on and on. What special day can you think of that you would like to commemorate? Would you want to register a day for yourself? Would you register the day for someone special in your life? 

The possibilities are endless!!

Not only do you get to register the day in one of three registries (your state, your country-United States, United Kingdom, Canada or Australia, or worldwide) and receive an awesome certificate like the one pictured above, but you also get to create your online profile.

"Every registered owner receives an online profile that can be personalized with pictures, video, and more!

Every owner's exclusive title and ownership rights are recorded in the official International Day Registry database."


Head on over to and check it out. 
And then stop by next week for my review and a great giveaway. Just a little hint, there will be more than one winner!!
(And if you are a blogger, stop by here to join in with my Free Blogger Opp)


The Baby Shower Celebration has obviously been extended so please ignore the dates on the image (I just didn't have any time to make a new one) It was extended because of several unforeseen circumstances. 


  1. Oh wow, I really like this idea. And I love that you get a certificate as well :D

  2. Oh wow, neat company. I am going to keep them in mind for announcements! Thanks for the review!

  3. This is such a great gift idea.

  4. It would aslo make a AWESOME baby shower gift or wedding gift! Or heck if its a really cherished day for the person a divorce

  5. These are so cool!! My friend is having a baby soon too:)

  6. So you just get a certificate marking the day? Is there a list of everyone's days somewhere? This would probably make a great gift.

  7. I definitely want to include Our wedding day and the birthday of our daughter into the registry, thanks for sharing!

  8. These are lovely ideas and a unique gift too. There is no ending possibilities even the day you were born you can register i definitely love this one. Thanks for sharing.

  9. The certificates are so pretty and I would love to get them for my children!

  10. very unique and pretty idea, hope i can make it for a birthday celebration

  11. well, this is just so awesome! i'd register my birthday or the day my bf first said "ily" to me ;)

  12. This is a nice idea indeed. I would love to try it.

  13. I'd love to get this for my friend when she has her baby!

  14. Very good ideas and great gifts.

  15. I think this is a wonderful idea!! I have 7 kids though, I guess I had better start saving up my money!! haha It's totally worth it!

  16. I love this idea!! Perfect for a gift. I would love to do this for all of my kids, but I would need to save up for awhile, since I have 7 kids! haha


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