Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wordless Wednesday April 25, 2012 (w/linky): Descent

Obviously not a part of the series above. But wanted to ask a question. What do you think this is? You will find out the answer later this week.

Tots and Me


  1. Love the title of your post "Descent" haha! She's so cute! I know it "looks" like mashed potatoes...but is it actually mashed cauliflower or something? lol

  2. Real cute pictures! I like her approach to going down the stairs. She has her doll etc. with her. I am trying to figure out what is in the picture. As someone from a tropical island the first thing that came to my mind was snow!:) Then I noticed that this is in a pot. Is mayonnaise, yoghurt or Irish potatoes there?! Thanks for hosting and enjoy the rest of your day.

  3. Whee how fun! Looks like mash for the last pic?

  4. it always frightens me when they start doing stairs! you had lots of patience to snap that lot!
    I want to say mashed potatoes, but it is not the right consistency??

  5. Aww! She's so sweet! (I have no idea what that is, it looks like potatoes, but that's too easy. Sorta looks like when ex-hubby would smash up cauliflower for the kids, though.)

  6. I agree with the people above who said mashed potatoes. Can't wait to find out!

  7. Looks like a long process! Our house is all one level, so my baby can't get any practice with stairs. Less worries for me!

    ps. Looks like mashed potatoes, but something tells me it isn't!

  8. Love it. Stopping over from ABH. Have a great day. Fishful Thinking

  9. That is adorable! Your girls are so precious!

    That looks like cauliflour. I look forward to finding out what it actually is. ;)


  10. Love how it's both her and her doll going down together :)My guess for the white stuff is homemade playdough??


  11. Cute! Just wait til she's old enough to want to sled down those stairs on a mattress. ;D

    -:¦:- Featured Photo: Tree Door -:¦:-

  12. That is so cute. The looks like she's having conversations with the dolly the whole way down. ;) Thanks for the link-up! :)

  13. I am guessing either instant mashed potatoes or homemade paste.

  14. What is it about kids and stairs? Looks like her and the doll are having fun! I'm guessing potatoes.
    ~Catherine L.


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