Monday, April 16, 2012

Homeschool vs. Public School

I saw this over at Ramblings of a Christian Mom. She stated she found it on Pinterest. When I clicked on the image it led me to College@Home. I had to share this. I remember when I was still pregnant and spending a lot of time on the Baby Bump forums that so many people still have so many misconceptions of homeschooling. The stereotypes are still alive and well in people's minds. I know for a fact that there are those who think that homeschooling is foolish and the children will suffer. Are homeschoolers ahead or behind of their public schooled counterparts. Check these stats out and see:

(I realize my blog is not quite wide enough to read it all, so I encourage you to click on the image to see the entire thing.)

Homeschool Domination
Created by: College At Home


  1. This is a great infographic. Sometimes I wish I could homeschool my kids.

  2. I did a post somewhat like this but mine was Private vs Public. Go where your heart desires.

    Homeschooling is so popular. Not sure it's for me.

    Anyway, I saw your post on FB and thought I would come for a visit.

  3. We homeschooled for 5 kids are now in public school..when we put them into public school they were way ahead of there peers...and I was a very relaxed homeschooler:)

  4. thanks for sharing - I pinned it and shared on my blog

  5. That's encouraging to see! I didn't realize homeschooling went up 75% since 1999! I was homeschooled from K-12th grade and am so thankful that I was. And things I hear about public schools today make me think they are getting worse.


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