Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Blog Hopping: February 6, 2012

It's the start of another week. If you would like to do some blog hopping today head on over to my "Blog Hops" page to see the Monday Blog Hops I have found.

If you are visiting from a blog hop, welcome! I am glad you are here. Take a look around. I'd love it if you would follow me via GFC and subscribe to my emails. I also have a Facebook page and a Twitter you can follow.  And because of all the changes I also have a Google+ page also that  I would love for you to follow.

And on Friday night I invite you back to link up to my new Lovin' the Weekend blog hops (you can also link up giveaways).

Speaking of giveaways, have you entered my giveaway for a Goosie Cards Personalized Flashcards yet? There are so many educational possibilities with these cards.
ends 2/25


  1. Sounds like a great giveaway! No young children here, just furry kids. Thanks for the visit to my blog! Very much appreciated.

  2. Hi
    I wonder if any of your readers would like to get to know the Montessori way of teaching a bit better. If so I would be delighted to invite them to enter the giveaway I'm hosting right now!!! One lucky reader will win a FREE ON-LINE MONTESSORI TRAINING PROGRAM +12 MONTESSORI ALBUMS!!. The training program is run by Karen Tyler ;-)
    Here is a link to the giveaway:

    Blessings for you and your family


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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