Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Top 11 of '11: The Top Photos of the Children

Click It Up A Notch

I saw this great link up on another blog as I was looking into different projects to link up with this year.  I suddenly realized that I had linked up to the Quarterly Top 5 back in Sept and June. It was like, oh, no, am I too late. Well...I wasn't too late, but I don't have a lot of time. This linky is going to close in less than 24 hours, but I decided I had to join in. So for this post I will share my top 11 shots of the girls (with possibly an appearance by my older children). Then I still need to work on my Memories, Dreams and Reflections post, which is almost done. Plus our homeschool year in review in which I will share our goals for 2012. Okay, I feel overwhelmed right now. Lets start with this "simple" post. Trying to pick my top 11 pictures of my children. Oi! (This is my favorite exasperation response which Amelia has picked up on well just recently.)

 Tabitha enjoying one of her cone towers off of her castle birthday cake. 
My girl turned 4!

 I heard the piano playing and went in to find the girls all playing music together.

 Tabitha showing off a new hair band I won for her in a blog giveaway.

 I just loved this shot of them together.

 I was trying to get a reflection shot for Scavenger Hunt Sunday. 
I just love this picture. Hannah loved sitting in the Bumbo, long after she needed it anymore.

 We went with the homeschool group to the fire station. They got to try on helmets. I thought Amelia looked so cute.

 She was having a grand ol' time.

 Amelia's 3rd birthday!

 I looked out the window and the girls had the basket ball hoop lying on the ground and were using the hoop part as a door/crawl way.

 We took a walk around town as we were known to do as often as we could in the warm weather. Steven decided to let Hannah walk for a while.

 One day we had a picnic and I caught Hannah looking really goofy.

I read how people had a hard time narrowing down their favorite shots to 11 when they have one child. Wow, with three little ones, plus trying to get at least the older ones in at least one picture it was like, impossible to do this. I started this post with more than double. Narrowed it down to 16. Then had to take out one more and one more. I got to 14 and wasn't sure what to do. I had to remind myself I was not at KMart trying to choose portraits while no longer having the chance to see the others ever again. My photos I couldn't share are still on my computer. So, once I established that, I just got rid of two more and ended up with what you saw above ( I couldn't chose between the two birthday party pictures for Amelia, so I made a little collage).


  1. Lovely photos you have taken some great ones:)

  2. What gorgeous photos - and such a sweet look back!

  3. Beautiful pictures. following now too.

  4. Your girls are so cute! I love looking back through old photos and reliving all of the fun memories behind them!

  5. I love these. I am so glad you linked up with us. That last one is jut adorable!!

  6. Such sweet pictures. I would have taken *forever* to narrow it down to just 11 myself. Definitely a challenge for any momma :)

  7. I love that last little goofy shot! Adorable!

  8. So glad you made it in time. They are super cute and I love to see them having so much fun!!

  9. You are very welcome! I really like your blog. Go ahead and combine the posts if it makes that easier for you. :)

  10. Really great photos. Love that your children have an imagination and figured out that the basketball hoop could be a crawl through. Your baby looks so happy on the jungle gym!


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