Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: October 26, 2011 (w/linky) Our Musical Girl

Tots and Me


  1. Aww, she is so cute and very musical!

  2. She really does seem to be an aspiring musician ... and she has the cutest face!

  3. Great piano, beautiful little girl. May the music played always be sweet!

  4. they seem to love anything that makes sound & music. she looks like she is getting ready to play with her feet, LOL!
    Faythe @ GMT~

  5. She is learning from the older kids the finer art of te piano - 88 keys, every note on the keyboard. A composer or writer or player she can be. Piano is a wonderful thing to learn. Ours learned to play and read music when they were younger. Although 22 and 20 now, they don't play much. But the learning abilities from music stay with them for their lives. I loved the recitals back then...

  6. She's so cute! I hope she takes lessons when she gets older too. :)

  7. Adorable! The photos make me nostalgic for the piano I used to play on at my grandparent's house.

    -:¦:- WW: Spider Web Spun to Lantern -:¦:-

  8. She looks like a natural! Thanks for stopping by. I love the music on here!! So uplifting.

  9. aww how sweet! hope to start my girl on the piano too :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
    Come join my Wordless Wed Linky Party!

  10. That's so cute... my little one too loves to tinker on the piano especially when her brothers are playing on it.

  11. SO cute : )
    I wish I could play!!

  12. Beautiful pics! It's funny... I have nearly identical pics of my daughter at our piano! They're some of my favorites. I have a pic from when I was a little girl sitting at a piano, and I always get this wave of nostalgia when I look at it. I hope my daughter enjoys looking back at her pics someday too!

    I'm a new follower from the hop! I hope you can drop by my site sometime... I write a humor blog about all things motherhood. It's usually good for a laugh, and sometimes even a snort or two!

    Have a great week!
    Smiles, Jenn @Misadventures in Motherhood

  13. What a sweet heart!!! I'm sure she loved banging on those keys!

  14. What a cutie!! I am itching to get a piano in our house - mostly so I can play, but also because it just kills me seeing my little guy bang away on one when we visit friends! So so cute!

  15. brings back so many memories. :) A sweet girl.

  16. Beautiful and tender portraits, very nice.

  17. aww! too cute! a future concert pianist. :-)

  18. She is so adorable playing the piano. Happy Wordless Wednesday.

  19. I love how she is trying to turn the pages of the music...she knows just what to do!

  20. what a beautiful photos... I love your two adorable babies.

  21. Cutie! Good to get them started early :)

  22. How darling! She looks like a pro.

  23. Your baby girl playing the piano is just too precious!

  24. Aww. So very sweet.

  25. She is so interested in that piano! That's awesome.

  26. Thanks for linking up your WW at Just a Little Creativity! Looks like you might have a little musician on your hands :) Too cute!

  27. So cute!! I just love the pictures!!
    Thanks for hosting the link up!!!

  28. Your little one looks darling playing on the piano. Maybe she'll be a famous musician one day. By the way, you are this week's #3 spot for Keepin' Company Thursdays. The post will go up on my blog, heckofabunch6.com, and at traci66.com Thursday morning at 7 am. Congrats on being the featured spot.

  29. Wow, she's practiced so much that she's worn off the ivories! Have a tuneful WW.

  30. Awww... And reading music at such a young age, incredible.
    Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!

  31. What a cutie! My LO's love to play on the piano too!

  32. I love that they show an interest at such a young age! My little guy is all about piano's and guitars right now. Thanks for sharing!

  33. So cute. I'm sure she played beautifully. ;)

  34. So cute.

    I'm a new follower. Hope you can check me out at


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