Sunday, April 24, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: April 24, 2011

Getting this post done on time, early again, so I don't have to worry about doing it tomorrow, Resurrection Sunday.  It's time to share my interpretations of this week's items for

This week's list is:
Reflections, Guess What This Is..., What's Inside, Playtime, Lawn and Garden

When Hannah was sitting herself in her Bumbo, which was sitting on the floor because I was getting ready to give it a good scrubbing as she doesn't use it anymore, I noticed the neat reflection in the dishwasher.

 Guess What This Is...
I noticed this great "face" in the car the one day and had to take a picture.  Do you know what it is? I don't want to make this too easy, so I am sharing the answer at the bottom of the post.

What's Inside?
We have spent the last week finding out what is inside our Resurrection Eggs.  This is actually the real set of them that hubby just found a few minutes ago.  We have been using our pictures from last year in some empty plastic eggs. The girls have been pretty good at remembering what each item represents in the Easter Story.

I really loved the tunnel the children at playgroup had put together.  They have played with these before, but never has there been such a long, continuous tunnel.

 Lawn and Garden
I actually remembered this prompt wrong. I had thought it was "Home and Garden" and was taking some great pictures of my step daughter's wedding that I was going to use.  As luck had it, I had decided to take a few shots of this snail shell I found in the field after the wedding.

And if you are wondering what that face like picture was above:
This was my husband's coffee cup from Burger King.

Head on over to Ashley's blog to check out more great interpretations.


  1. Really cute reflection shot - I hope you had an awesome Easter.

  2. coffee. yummy. i was hoping it was s tall double shot white chocolate mocha. you have a some amazing shots.


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