Saturday, April 30, 2011

31 Days to Clean Challenge

Well, here goes.  I have committed to something else.  This "something" is something I really need though.  Keeping up with the housework has never been one of my strong points.  I really would love to have a sparkling clean house that I feel comfortable welcoming people into for a visit.  But somehow, it never happens.  I found out about the 31 Days to Clean Challenge over at The Modest Mom.  She was actually having a giveaway of Sarah Mae's new e-book 31 Days to Clean.  From her blog I found my way over to Cristin's blog, Joyful Mothering where a challenge is going to be starting May 1st.  I decided to grab the e-book (it is only $4.99, definitely worth the price) and join up with the challenge.  You can find out more about the book here at the 31 Days to Clean site.

For the challenge, we are told to read the chapters during the week and then post about what is the most challenging chapter for the week.  And then link up on Friday.  I think I can do this.  I want to try.  So here it goes.

Homemakers Challenge - 31 Days to Clean

Care to join me?


  1. So glad to have you join in. You are definitely not alone.

  2. Good luck!! I probably should be getting in on this one. I'll watch you for now!


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