Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Bible Time

In our house we call our family devotional time "Bible Time." I have called it that since the older children were little. Usually we read a story out of our little Bible Story Book or pick a board book we have (usually Jonah or David and Goliath). However, this past week and a half we have pulled out the Resurrection Eggs (as I have seen on multiple blogs) and let them guide our Bible Time.

As I have no idea where the booklet is that came with the eggs when I bought it many years ago I have been choosing to read the corresponding Bible story from which ever of the Gospels seems to tell the story most clearly for each night.

First we open the previous nights' eggs one at a time and Tabitha will answer my questions about each one if she can. For example, we go through a series of questions for the first egg. "Who rode the donkey?" "Where did Jesus ride the donkey to?" "What did the people shout?" "What did the people wave?" (By the way, the answer to that question tonight was "pompoms.") She is definitely starting to remember more and what she doesn't remember we discuss. Not sure how much Amelia is picking up, but she loves getting her turn to hold all the objects.

When we get to the egg from the very last night we also attach a picture representation to our cross.

Then we read the verses for that night's egg or eggs (2 at the most), and introduce that night's object/egg.

On Palm Sunday we made very simple palm branches.

I printed them off the internet and cut them out. Tabitha snipped the fringes and Amelia glued on the word "Hosanna" to the back. She refused to let me help her cut , and seeing as she was trying to hold the scissors by the blade I decided she wasn't quite ready. We use these to wave as we sing the song "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna."

If I had a decent amount of ink I would have printed out the Resurrection Eggs Printables that Carissa has available on her site. Here is a link to them.

If I am not in the hospital this weekend with a newborn we will be making Resurrection Cookies. I did this years ago with the older children (though none of them remember). I found the recipe again here, though she is unsure of the original source. This website has loads of information and ideas for focusing on "Resurrection Sunday" as opposed to "Easter." Especially here.

I also hope to make Resurrection Rolls for the first time.

To see what others are doing to raise their little ones for the Lord check out Raising Rock Stars at Carissa's blog.


  1. What a fun bible time! I have on my agenda for Monday to get some resurrection eggs for next year :-)

  2. I gave you an award over on my blog.


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