Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Quarterly Top 5: July-September 2012

September Quarterly Top 5 Link Up!

I missed the last Quarterly top 5. So I wanted to make sure to get this post up as soon as possible. The link up opens today, September 26 and close October 3rd. If you are interested in joining in, you may check out the "rules" here.

As always it was very difficult for me to choose just 5 pictures of my 4 children. Here are the ones that I ended up with.

 I thought this was the cutest little picture of baby Harold snuggling with daddy. Not sure what his expression means.

I love this picture that was taken when we visited my mom. We decided to take a short walk around the block and when I looked up ahead and saw this scene, I had to take a picture.

I took this picture of Amelia when we decided to hold an impromptu photo session at the park. I just love her seriousness and the way she is sitting. When I saw the reminder about the Quarterly Top 5, I knew I had to include this picture. Though there was another picture of her that came close to replacing it, but this remains my favorite. 

I just love how happy Hannah is in this picture. We were at Harold's older children's graduation party where the girls were having a blast playing on the playground. I wish I could find the pictures of Tabitha and Amelia from a couple of years ago at this same park. 

I was thrilled when I caught this shot of Tabitha jumping over the cracks in the sidewalk.  I just wish I hadn't caught the glare in the background.


  1. Came across your page through the quarterly top 5. Your children are adorable! I found your page quite interesting and am now following you. Looking forward to reading more :)

  2. I love seeing that relationship with your mom. Those are special moments to be remembered.

  3. So many great moments - really like the 2nd and 3rd shots.

  4. I love the shot of the girls with their Grandma.


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