Monday, July 4, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday: Stars and Stripes

Muffin Tin Monday at

Happy Independence Day!!!

Today we had the theme of Red, White and Blue for the holiday.  

We made a flag today and talked about how many stars and stripes there are (and what they represented) along with what the colors of the flag are.  I had some ideas, but was unable to find what I wanted over at our little small town store.  I came home and threw the tins together with what we had in the house.

I am calling mine: Stars and Stripes.

Red beet stars and stripes
White bread star, White cheese stripes
Leftover pizza stars and stripes
Red Watermelon stars and stripes
White apple star and stripes
Marshmallow flag (hubby's suggestion)
Waffle flag (strawberry jam, cool whip and blueberries)
I got the idea for the flag from doing the checkered flag 3 weeks ago

Don't forget to head on over to Muffin Tin Mom to what other's have done.


  1. Great tin! The waffle flag looks fantastic!

  2. I love all the stars and stripes. Happy 4th of July.

  3. That's fun!!!!! That would be a great way to teach them colors too. Have an orange meal, red meal and so on.

  4. This looks too beautiful and cute to gobble up! :) Very creative and thanks for sharing on NOBH! :)

  5. What a cute idea! Thank you for sharing!

  6. These look delicious! Although my children might not like the beets :) I also like the first one, with the waffle flag and lots of jello!


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