Monday, July 18, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday: J is for Jonah

Muffin Tin Monday at

Today we started the letter J.  I decided to read the children the story of Jonah and create a tin based on the story.

The following story of Jonah is from a board book we sometimes use at Bible Time, I am only quoting the lines that are relevant.

Jonah boarded a ship and went to sea-banana boat
Into the water Jonah fell-glass of water (it was supposed to be blue Jello but I forgot)
A giant fish came into sight and swallowed Jonah in one big bite-Swedish fish
In the belly of the fish Jonah stayed and for forgiveness prayed and prayed
(hand shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches-I used a tracing of their hands)
I added the green beans to represent the plant that God provided for shade for Jonah and then destroyed, however, that part of the story is not in the board book, but it is in the Alice in Bibleland version, which I read this morning.
A graham cracker/cool whip sandwich onto which I wrote "obey" with food coloring


  1. We are talking about the work oby a lot at our house.

  2. What a cute and creative tin!

    I also saw your meal plan for the week - I am most impressed! I can barely plan what I'm having for dinner....most of the time I start thinking about it around 3 pm, then around 4 I'm digging through cookbooks, LOL!

  3. I really love this! What a great way to incorporate Bible stories into a meal in a way kids can see and be a part of.

  4. What a great way to incorporate Bible lessons into meal time!

  5. What a great message of obedience. It really is a great reenforcement to the story you read that day.

  6. What a great idea to incorporate a Bible story into the tins!


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