Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Online Preschool Art Class

Are you interested in teaching your young children the fundamentals of art.  I sure am.  I would love to go beyond sitting the girls down with a paper and crayons or markers and having them color.  We do other crafts, but it is a lot of cutting and gluing things together.  I am looking forward to this great online art class I found out about over at Pineapple Paintbrush.  Dani is going to share with us about color, lines, shapes and texture, plus she is adding art history.  She is gearing this class to four year olds, but has stated that it can be adjusted to older or younger children.  Check out this link to see the class outline.  She has been sharing on her blog this last week or so all about the different art supplies we will be working with.  No, I am not really able to purchase all the different supplies, but we are working toward getting the essentials.

Did I mention this class is free, except of course for purchasing your own materials.  Which of course we have to do anyway if we want to let the children create art.  This class starts on the 14th, which is Monday. Hope you consider joining in. We will be sharing pictures of the art we create of course.  I can't wait!!


  1. ohh thanks so much for sharing this...I was reading it and is soooo daughter loves to paint so much and I know she would love this class...thanks!

  2. Blog hopping! I'm your new follower and would love a follow back! Thanks!


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