
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: March 25th, 2015 (w/linky)- Thankful For Our Little Guy

I recently uploaded the Time Hop app to my phone and have been having a blast taking a trip down memory lane. The thing is, this was the time of year that little Harold ended up in ICU due to having RSV and pneumonia, so I have been reliving those days. Remembering the sleeplessness, the worry and concern, and the faithfulness of our Lord. So, today I just wanted to focus a bit on our precious little guy by sharing those scary days in the hospital again and what our goof is up to these days.

Beginning with a rainbow, a symbol of God's faithfulness. We saw this as we arrived at the hospital on March 18th.

Admitted Sunday night for observation, diagnosed with RSV and pneumonia.

We had returned home the next day, but found ourselves back in the hospital after a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. This time we had the privilege of being admitted to ICU. He needed supplemental oxygen.

A little Chest PT (or beating up the baby)

Looking better, and a bit goofy even then.

March 27th

Got the okay from the doctor to go home. You'd think he'd be a bit happier about that.

Our welcoming committee was adorable, Tabitha and Amelia ran out screaming, "Mommy!" As Hannah ran out daddy was pulling Harold from the car, so Hannah screamed, "Harrow, Harrow!"

They sure missed their baby brother.

 Our little guy has been growing up and yes, he can be quite a goof at times.

And his sisters still love him to pieces, though he does tend to get on their nerves at times.

Speaking of Goofy.

Tots and Me


  1. I'm glad everyone is back home :o) Thanks for the Linky.

  2. It's wonderful that he survived his little plight those years ago. He is growing up to be a handsome little critter!

  3. Happy Wednesday!
    Im glad it all worked out, he is a darling little boy!!!
    Have a great day!!!

  4. So glad your little one is out of the hospital. It can be a very scary time!

  5. So glad baby boy turned into a healthy bug boy! Have a great week and thank you for sharing! Also, thank you for hosting the linky!

  6. Gosh that would of been very scary. What a gorgeous little boy he is now.
    Thank you for linking up with #wordlesswednesday
    co-host -

  7. Aw, those last shots are adorable - thanks so much for sharing! :)

  8. Im SOOO glad he made it through his sickness or whtever he had... hes such an amazing lil boy... i miss him like crazy as with the girls... but this boy is sooo adorable


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