
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: November 6, 2013 (w/linky)- Randomness

In case anyone was wondering how our pumpkins looked all lit up at night:

We made some air popped popcorn with our penguin lesson (it was the snow) and the girls put it in their popcorn containers to watch the show before lunch.

Harold just picked some up off the floor (it was on the sheet that we popped it on. We used this to see it snow on our penguins) and put in on a lid, using it as a tray.

Pumpkin Pancakes

Harold was a bit hungry. He sneaked into the kitchen and grabbed a snack...2 apples.

I think he did pretty good.


My little helpers making chocolate peanut butter pudding.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. Your pumpkins came out perfect! I love seeing your kids each week. They baby is really growing - and eating well, too, I see.

  2. Aww! cute photos can I have some popcorn heheh!

    Have a appletastic week ;-)

  3. the pumpkins look beautiful when lit! I've never tried pumpkin pancakes before.. sounds delicious!

  4. Yum, I love eating the raw batter!

  5. I love your pumpkins showing the word JESUS. Wonderful pictures of your children enjoying a wide variety of yummy treats. Thanks for hosting kewkew.

  6. The popcorn looks like a fun treat for a lesson!

  7. Oh so adorable, That is apple love :)

  8. I love your snow!! I think we need to make some snow like that! :) Thanks for hosting too!


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